The Other Eurydice

A tale of reawakening, retaliation, revenge, and redemption.

Re: The Other Eurydice

Postby Iskrin Lydeck » Thu Jan 18, 2018 5:19 am

With an expression that resonated anything but the confusion he was experiencing, Iskrin draped his arm across his sister's shoulder and began to lead her to the commons area. As it was his own ship he knew the layout like the back of his hand, and as they made their trek to satiate their appetites he called out to the AI. Blue lights, which lined the angular lining of the ceiling, flashed in recognition as it's master instructed it to prepare ingredients.

"How about something from the both of you? It'll be fun!" Iskrin suggested as the group entered the area, the prince delicately guiding the addled Isabel to one of the nearby seats. He doted on her momentarily like a father might a child, then turned on his heel as a protocol droid. It announced the spread of ingredients that two would-be chefs had to pick from, large cylinders on the countertops swiveling to reveal it's bounty within.

Meat, eggs, vegetables. There was a veritable spread of things to choose from, requisitioned from some of the farther portions of the galaxy. Let it be known that Iskrin did not travel without a spread of food to choose from, the lordling benefiting from a legion of mechanical servants at his beckoning. Iskrin wasn't much of a chef himself obviously, and he smiled with a light squeeze of Xanathe's hand before sitting next to Isabel.

"We're ready to be wowed." Iskrin motioned to himself and Isabel, leveling a challenging gaze to both Xikkesh and Xanathe, though he ultimately settled on the latter to watch her work.
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Re: The Other Eurydice

Postby Xanathe Sadarii » Thu Jan 18, 2018 2:41 pm

Quietly Xanathe walked back out the way she'd come, watching her surroundings still with renewed curiosity. She observed how the ship was humming with activity at their passing before and she came to stop short when she was cut off by a protocol droid. It spoke in a monotone much different than their droid had, and she tilted her head listening as she followed it through the kitchen. Her eyes came alight at the simple number of possibilities, much of it she had never eaten, let alone cooked with. When the Droid had finished it's duties, it stood off to one side as though it had become a statue, leaving Xanathe with a very sudden, sobering realization. The hut on Dathomir had a wood burning fireplace made of clay heavy mud and straw, a small nook above for baking... and that was about it.

She had never cooked in a kitchen before.

No, she couldn't panic, wouldn't let it stop her and stretched her arms up as though sleepy, wincing at the pain that spread though the flesh of her back. Then she played it cool as she walked over to the refrigerator and opened both halves at once. Scanning the sight of it was startling, and it was the strangest thing that twisted up her stomach in knots all of a sudden. It was beautiful, bountiful in a way she had never known, green with leaves, orange, yellow and red fruit and fresh meat. Tears had gathered in her eyes, but before she allowed it to progress she simply reached for something familiar; sausages, leafy greens and potatoes. With the right application of cream, stock and seasonings they would all go into a pot and become the only stew she'd ever had the means to make. It took a lot of Hwotha Buns to trade for meat, but sometimes it was worth it.

Quietly Xanathe began prepping ingredients, withdrawing a knife from the butcher block and momentarily marveling at it. Then she stood opposite the Lydeck siblings, cutting greens, potatoes and slicing sausages on a large stone cutting board. Her eyes flashed up to them every so often, but in her focus she had forgotten how to continue a conversation.
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Re: The Other Eurydice

Postby Isabel Lydeck » Fri Jan 19, 2018 5:25 am

Isabel had waffled when Qes asked what everyone would like to eat. Yes, he looked normal, but so much else didn't. Even the three people present looked somehow grayer than normal. The mad captain squinted. They were getting grayer, weren't they? Cousin Xanathe was the only vivid color remaining, being a bright red liquid and all. Well, maybe that's why Iskrin had brought that thing around. It certainly brightened up the room.

And what a sunny personality. It even offered to cook. Somehow being a blood fountain seemed inheritly unhygenic, but the more Isabel thought about that, the more prejudiced the assumption seemed. Everyone should be free to pursue hobbies and careers of their choice. Hopefully it would opt for gloves or something. Isabel absently elbowed the liquor out of Vorn's hands as her brother guided her past.

Something about the angular lights offended her already scrambled senses. They formed vast cracks in the vault of darkness above, impossible angles that doubled back on each other, the color of the sun's afterimage. A pale mist, ectoplasmic, leaked down through through them and pooled on the water. She tried not to look. She just sat, politely smiling at Xanathe as she chopped up the ingredients.

"I will have a meat dish," she said, somewhat after the fact. "If you please. We were a little short on it in the Barghest."

The ectoplasmic mist settled next to her on the side opposite Iskrin, slowly taking form. It was a pale, cloaked ghost with a little scythe. "Hey, hey, did you see the cracks?"

Isabel smiled and tried to ignore it.

"I have to tell you about the cracks. You see them, right?"

It jabbed at the back of her head with the wooden handle. She tried to resist, but her head bobbed forward a couple of times nonetheless. It felt less real than the badger, but a little less fake than the mists.

"I'm from past them. You know what's past them? You know, don't you? I know. Why don't you come see with me?"

She scratched the back of her head, trying to grab the invisibly poking handle and play it off as a mundane gesture. The apparition was too quick.

"You might as well tell them. You never had any right to exist. Come on, the cracks will keep getting bigger. They already think you're crazy. Just let them put you away so we can talk. We have to get you ready."

"MY!" the heiress said, giving a hearty stretch and a yawn to disguise a punch at the air. Her fist went right through the ghost. Typical. "The food is not even cooked and it already smells delicious! Be careful with that knife, dear."
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Re: The Other Eurydice

Postby Xikkesh Qes » Mon Jan 22, 2018 7:29 pm

Xikkesh made a quiet grumbling sound in his throat at the mention of him and the female Sadarii cooking at the same time, though he didn't actually mind since that meant he could simply focus on something for the captain. Even better considering the Sadarii seemed to be making something already meant for multiple people.

Before starting however the alien took a moment to remove his backpack, tossing it into an unoccupied corner of the dinning area, followed the outer layers of his garb, leaving him in simple leather shorts and vest with a few bandages wrapped around his limbs, proudly displaying his red skin and to those unfamiliar with his species, his digitigrade legs that were normally hidden under his cloak and robe. They were still a little dusty from Tatooine and he had forgotten to wash them due to being...preoccupied with previous thoughts and getting sand into the food would be rather rude of him.

After a quick self dusting he moved back to the kitchen and quickly found something simple to cook. Gathering up a slab of nerf steak, corellian mushrooms, and a few common vegetables. He made sure to set a pan on one of the burners, setting it to a medium-high temperature to quickly heat the pan while he was preparing. Once finding his own cutting board and knife to use, he started copping all his gathered ingredients into neat little chunks, steak included, taking extra care to turn it into measured strips about six inches long and no thicker then half an inch. And to his delight the meat was nice and bloody which would add some nice flavor to his simple home made recipe. It was far from anything fancy, but it was easy to make and easy to eat.
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Re: The Other Eurydice

Postby Vorn » Tue Jan 23, 2018 6:40 pm

Vorn scrambled to catch the bottle as it went spinning across the floor, spilling expensive liquor everywhere. He was able to salvage some, but not all of it, the bottle having barely a third of its contents left by the time he managed to grab it.

Vorn got increasingly angry as not just the precious liquor he had acquired was wasted, but that he'd have to clean up this mess later. However, anger was something he was quick to let go. Getting angry always felt like such a waste of energy.

He took his remaining drink to his quarters. Isabel would be fine with her brother, but right now, he desperately needed a moment to himself. He filled up his flask and downed the rest of the bottle in one go.
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Re: The Other Eurydice

Postby Xanathe Sadarii » Wed Jan 24, 2018 3:39 pm

It took about half an hour, but Xanathe hadn't kept track. As the smells and warmth of her meal flooded the kitchen air, intermingling with those of the stranger she shared the space with, she was able to settle into her old rhythm, the one she always had on Dathomir. It probably wasn't a good thing, to fall back into old habits, but for now it was nessecarry. Soon she had whipped up several bowls of sausage and greens soup, and felt a particular excitement as she set them down in front of Isabel and Iskrin. There were plenty of leftovers.


With a bowl swiftly in her easily chilled hands, she scooped a mouthful into her spoon and tasted it, feeling the comfort of something familiar, as she awaited feedback from her peers.
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