Epilogue: Epic's End(ALL)

A tale of reawakening, retaliation, revenge, and redemption.

Epilogue: Epic's End(ALL)

Postby Xanatos Sadarii » Sat Apr 07, 2018 3:39 am

Xanatos had helped Jinx pack up their meager possessions with his usual haste, somewhat more hurried by his desire to be off the planet after what seemed like ages. He had had the best and worst experiences of his life on the planet and would remember it always, likely even return at some point. But now, he had the unthinkable occur: he was sick of snow even, dare he say, blood on snow. And so, Jinx and him carried everything they owned in two backpacks, a baby panther peeking out of the top of each. He'd been meaning to give one to his sister, while he and his girlfriend would keep the other.

Notably, he hadn't taken any items out of his robes; he kept the holocron a secret now, somewhat unwilling to entrust its existence to even Jinx, regardless of her lack of ability to even use it. He didn't plan to tell Xanathe either, and would see about using his growing powers in the arts of stealth and subtlety to hide its existence even when active from her and the others. He'd resist the urge to use it until he set foot on Nogatan; once they spread out, his secret would easily go uncovered.

He reflected now on those he remembered but for whom he could not account: he knew Isabel, Vorn, Nepenthe, and Amon were all off planet. But he thought of all the others. Rinea Sothe. Talik Sekin'ya. Kodarr. Hera Shal. Xikkesh. And most of all, his blood brother, Auroc Mekura, who may still have been wandering in the crystal caves, much to Xanatos' confused sadness. He hoped they'd all return, for various reasons. He had left each, as well as those he knew to be offplanet, an encrypted message with ways to find them, to get to Nogatan. Now, he could only wait and see.

As he approached the hangar, he expected to see the reunion of Xanathe and her own lover, Iskrin Lydeck. Instead, he saw only his sister, standing stock still silently. He didn't know what happened, exactly, but even without using the Force he could puzzle things out in his mind. He rushed forward towards her, dragging Jinx along, unsure of what to say. Asking her where Iskrin was would have been like rubbing salt in a wound. Giving her the panther now would have been patronizing. Insteead of speaking, he joined her in silence. They still awaited Dracon, perhaps Manusia. Others, perhaps. But those concerns now dropped by the wayside as he stood next to Xanathe, doing his best to just comfort her with his presence.
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Re: Epilogue: Epic's End(ALL)

Postby Isabel Lydeck » Sat Apr 07, 2018 4:33 am

The encrypted message found Isabel dozing on a distant beach several systems away, clad in strips for swimwear, as mentally removed from the icy, wartorn snows of Illum as she was physically. The buzz of her datapad awoke her, but she took her time checking what it was. A languid stretch, a yawn, a gaze around the natural beauty around her and the sizeable pile of shells she'd collected so far all came before Xanatos's message.


It was a map to Nogatan. She rubbed around one eye with the back of her hand, thinking back to Sephlyl's earlier message. He had said any group or subgroup could probably take over, but she'd been so wrapped up in her happiness at her former teacher's misery that she'd forgotten a few things. For one, someone still probably cared about taking over that place. If anyone did, it'd be a Sadarii. The second was the matter of payment. The last day or so had reminded her how much she missed being a rich traveller as opposed to broke and barely making it. Poverty had snuck up on her, and this thing with Ser Sephlyl and Cadmus would have been her deliverance from it.

She sat up a little straighter, suddenly concerned, and typed a brief reply:

My good friend Xanatos,
What is it you intend to do on Nogatan? Is Iskrin going with you? What of the others?
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Re: Epilogue: Epic's End(ALL)

Postby Xanathe Sadarii » Sat Apr 07, 2018 4:43 am

The bedchamber where they had slept next to one another was now empty and cold. A blanket, warm and inviting had been taken away. She checked, he wasn't there. Xanathe had called for him in the armory that Talik had once used to host her training, in the mess hall where she had felt him touch her in a way that made it seem as though she was all that mattered to him. That was perhaps the most painful, as she continued, in the other bunk rooms, in the command center and in the hangar... all bereft of the Lydeck prince's presence.

Now, planted in the place where his ship had once been, The First Born Sadarii stood, a black tower of smoke against the sterile ice and snow, her heart's tethers slowly snapping with the weight of what he had done. When she had come to finding her own strength he had left. Iskrin, the noble prince of the Lydeck house, had left her behind as though she had never mattered at all. It was what she had assumed at the beginning would happen. Nevertheless she now held in her self all these vicious, unforgiving memories, taunting her, demanding she ruminate on why he had left. Maybe it was because he had lost hope, perhaps her willingness to give Drackonis the benefit of the doubt pushed him away... and then again... maybe he never really loved her for who she was, only ever desired her as useful to his goals, rather than wanting her to reach her own.

The thought made Xanathe's cheeks burn, as warm tears slipped across frigid skin. She knew Xanatos was there, and in silence she clenched her jaw tight, looking at the prints in the snow where that ship had been, where she had woken in Iskrin's bed, where he had comforted her in her pain. It somehow, in her agony, didn't make sense at all. And yet she had no choice but to accept her powerlessness to change the realities she faced. Iskrin was gone, and had left no trace that he had ever existed at all.

Powerlessness... it was inaccurate. Xanathe took in a long deep breath, gripping the hilt of her saber tight in her grasp. She was not powerless to overcome what had befallen her, she had what it took to become what she was meant to be. The depth of her need, her hopes and dreams, made the process of growing out of her naivety like the tearing away of her own flesh. It was as though a piece of her very heart was being slowly ripped away, and the pain of it was maddening. Suddenly she hung her head, tired anger suffusing her expression. After all she had endured for that man, all she had done to comfort him, all she had striven to understand for his sake... she nevertheless now stood alone.

He had erred greatly, he had chosen to love not Xanathe as she was, but the Xanathe he was hoping to turn her into. How she had come to overlook such manipulative, hollow expressions, and not see him as he truly appeared. She cursed herself for her ignorance, for her loneliness pushing her to such foolish ends. And if she ever encountered him again, he would know her rage. Regardless of her angry, sorrowful distress, Xanathe remembered her brother, Lord Drackonis. They had stayed, supported her through everything, and as she learned to embrace her freedom, she would take solace in their presence. Suddenly, and with a rather loud sniffle, Xanathe withdrew her data pad, and typed out a quick note to the one who had so erroneously abandoned her.

I am going to Nogatan with Lord Drackonis.

Come, unless the thought of a free woman not hobbled by your vapid advances is just too much for you to bare.

My mother's blade and I will be more than happy to welcome you.

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Re: Epilogue: Epic's End(ALL)

Postby Xanatos Sadarii » Sat Apr 07, 2018 5:08 am

Momentarily ignoring his own vibrating datapad, Xanatos watched as Xanathe angrily typed against her own and knew exactly to whom she was addressing. After she had sent the message and stopped her furious movements, Xanatos made his move, grabbing the tablet deftly out of her grasp. He read the message with a frown, then looked back at Xanathe.

"I should be happy. I would have been happy. He's proven himself to be an asshole. That's what it looks like, on the surface. But I want to play the devil's advocate. Maybe something else is going on. If he left because you sought out Drackonis, I'd say fuck him. But maybe it's something else. Try to go into this with an open mind. Maybe something happened. Sister, I want you to be happy. And if Iskrin is your road to happiness, that's what I want. And if it isn't, he's a dead man."

Xanatos had come to like Iskrin, at least somewhat, but his actions here had shaken his confidence in Xanathe's potential lover. Regardless of what had happened, it was unforgivable that he didn't even bother leaving a message to the person he supposedly cared about most of all.

Finally, he pulled out his datapad, reading the prompt message from Isabel. He was dismayed that he didn't have more positive news to convey as he responded to her message:

"Iskrin is gone, we don't know where. Drackonis is back and will lead us to victory. Nogatan is supposed to be my home. It's supposed to be yours. I want it back for all of us because it's ours. I've got just Me, Drackonis, Xanathe, Dracon, Manusia, and Jinx. I'll be reaching out to Amon and Nepenthe when we get out of atmosphere. Over."
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Re: Epilogue: Epic's End(ALL)

Postby Isabel Lydeck » Sat Apr 07, 2018 6:54 am

Isabel sat the rest of the way up, knees curled to her chest and tail curled around her feet as she read Xanatos's reply. Iskrin missing? Made sense. If she didn't want to stick around with a bunch of Sith, she doubted her less adventurous sibling would, especially if they were now being lead by the one who'd nigh-electrocuted him. She was actually less concerned about his wereabouts now that he was no longer around them. In fact, she had a very good idea where he went.

But there were many names she didn't recognize in the message. Dracon, Manusia, Jinx, and Nepethe... but the inclusion of Xanathe curled her lips into a delighted grin. Did that mean he'd left the Sadarii girl behind? First Sephlyl, now this. It seemed as though the universe was righting itself after all.

She'd have to put some thought into her reply to Xanatos, but to Iskrin she merely wrote:
Brother, where art thou?
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Re: Epilogue: Epic's End(ALL)

Postby Xanathe Sadarii » Sat Apr 07, 2018 4:49 pm

Xanatos was lucky to avoid being smacked on the back of the head for snatching Xanathe's data pad in her current mood. She glared hard at him for daring to violate the privacy she had hoped to maintain in her anger and sorrow. His words did little to abate how her trust had been violated. Iskrin had gone against his own word, had abandoned the belief that they needed to be there for one another. Xanathe had needed him upon her return, needed to know her actions wouldn't scare him off. But he was gone, and she assumed the worst as a result.

" Oh, so something happened he just didn't have time to communicate?" She said petulantly," Certainly those few seconds it would have taken to message me were just not available to him on his trip back to Imecka, obviously! I have opened my mind and been reviled by you, by our father, by Amon and even Isabel! You all told me I was trash, a fool, that I was weak, that I was not worthy of the Sadarii name! And now you want me to have an open mind?" The grip on her saber was tight enough to ache in her bones, " I have had enough of being told how I should feel, what I should think!" She looked into her brother's eyes, her stare aflame with indignation, " If you value me at all, Xanatos, you will leave this alone."

With a vicious yank she took back the data pad, and placed it in the lining of her oversized onyx coat, Crossing her arms about her waist as she stubbornly ignored what Xanatos had actually said. Hope had proven to be nothing but pain in the end, and she wouldn't entertain it for a moment.
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Re: Epilogue: Epic's End(ALL)

Postby Dracon Bevii’ragir » Sat Apr 07, 2018 11:18 pm

Dracon entered the hanger with the others. He had resupolied his fuel and weapons. As he approached Xanatos he noticed his sister Xanathe. He recognized her from the bounty, she was more clothed this time since the last time he saw her she was in bed in the arms of a man. He did not think she would know him, but wondered what she would do when she learned who he was. greetings again Xanatos

Dracon nodded to Xanathe. I am Dracon Bevii’ragir, pleases to meet you.
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Re: Epilogue: Epic's End(ALL)

Postby Xanatos Sadarii » Sun Apr 08, 2018 12:05 am

Putting up both of his hands in a placating gesture, palms outward, Xanatos disengaged from his sister when she snatched the datapad back out of his hands. "Take it easy. I'm not trying to get into an argument with you. But yeah, noted. I'll go back to standing around in silence then while we wait for the others. Looks like we're going to have a great time travelling to Nogatan." Xanatos glowered at her, but didn't say anything further. He understood how she felt, but at the same time he was just trying to be a good brother.

As the Sadarii siblings stood in sullen silence, their salvation thankfully approached in the form of the massive Mandalorian, who Xanatos had never been so glad to see. "She's on her period," Xanatos said, not meaning to belittle her, more to deflect from what was actually bothering her in case she didn't want it to be common knowledge. It probably wasn't going to be helpful, but it was the first thing that popped into his head and unfortunately didn't process through the etiquette filter, which was now down for repairs due to overuse.

"Dracon's the one that blasted you back on Tatooine. Oh, and this is Jinx, Dracon. She's my girlfriend. Sephlyl's last act with us was to welcome Dracon into the fold. Evidently Cadmus screwed him over. Cadmus, of course, is dead, but Dracon likes money. And there's still the possibility for him to get some measure of revenge. Oh right." Xanatos paused, and then frowned again. "Sorry, I forgot you didn't want me to talk to you anymore." He had interpreted what she said not just as dropping the topic, but also to stop talking to her altogether.

"I guess...were we waiting on anyone else? They've all got coordinates even if we took off without them." Xanatos gazed back at another approaching figure, the cyborg Manusia Mesin. He quirked an eyebrow at her approach, before waving. "Ooo, I wonder how she's going to get on with Drackonis."
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Re: Epilogue: Epic's End(ALL)

Postby Jinx Rell'ik » Sun Apr 08, 2018 3:10 pm

In Jinx's ears, a little tune looped as she pressed the corners of her datapad furiously. Her stare upon the screen intense and focused. Under her breath she grumbled obscenities only those around her could hear, and as a result of her hyper focused state she missed the drama unfolding with Xanatos' sister. The screen flashed with sweet little animations of a small pixelated figure, pony tails and a gun. Pew Pew! Smack! Oof! The Final Boss was half way dead, Jinx gritted her teeth, pressing the buttons as fast as she was able until at last the first faze of the battle was completed, just about the same time Xanathe had her tug of war.

Then the beast that occupied a whole third of the screen transformed with a horrific pixelated roar, growing eye testicles-er... tentacles, and a second mouth. It started raining down tracking projectiles, and Jinx had to shift strategies, slowing her rate of fire to aim for the weak spots at the base of each tentacle while dodging the absurd amount of bullet globby thingys. She came closer, the life bar was draining slowly with each hit. Her avatar only had one life left. Sweat was beading on her brow as she focused, until, at last... BOOM! the creature began to explode into little balls of fire, as her little pony tailed avatar did a jig with her big rifle looking thingy. The game was beat, she had triumphed over the evil mutant beast!

" WOO!" Jinx hollered seemingly at random, throwing a fist in the air as she celebrated beating the game. She pulled off her giant headphones, reaching for Xanatos. But her hand ran into something hard and... metal? For a few long, potentially awkward moments she groped the shape while not really looking at it. Finally her eyes tore away from the credits rolling on her data pad, and she found this tall bounty hunter guy standing between her and Xanatos. She followed the towering person up and up, her eyes growing awe struck at how giant the dude was.

" Woah, cool..." Now she went from awkwardly groping his armor, to tapping him as though knocking on a door, and reaching out her hand for a shake, " What's up cool looking armor dude? I feel like we've been collecting those lately. We lost the other one though, so hey My name's Jinx. I was busy. Missed your name I think..."
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Re: Epilogue: Epic's End(ALL)

Postby Dracon Bevii’ragir » Sun Apr 08, 2018 10:00 pm

Dracon had not noticed Jinx at first. But her gripping and pressing up against his metal brought his attention to her. Behind his t visor he scanned down her body. He was beginning to wonder if all the woman involved in this group were hot. From the Two he almost captured to his new comrade Manusia and not this girl.

Dracon felt maybe they would all trust him more if they knew what he looked like. So he reached up and removed his black helmet. From beneath its cover the long fire kissed hair of the hunter appeared. The long hair was brushed backward. It was wild with small streaks of lighter red that almost appeared blond. Along the square jawline of the massive hunter was a red beard. One woikdnwonder how such a beard could be contained in a helmet. But when looking upon it words like great, awesome, and epic just did not do it justice.

The beard could only be described as Legendary.


Dracon placed his helmet in his left hand. Holding it against his body with his forearm. He extended his hand to Jinx. His deep voice spoke softly. Dracon Bevii’ragir
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Re: Epilogue: Epic's End(ALL)

Postby Isabel Lydeck » Mon Apr 09, 2018 3:17 am

Isabel tapped her finger on her chin and hummed aloud. She could message Xanathe and ask her how she was feeling. There was a chance it could be a positive exchange. Their last interaction ended on a positive note. Maintaining positivity was important. Despite her initial, thrilled hopes, Isabel doubted her father had truly changed his mind. He was more likely to give Drackonis a gristly execution for interfering than to abandon his dynastic ambitions.

The heiress's eyes lifted from her blank datapad and found a nearby pair of tentacled, shelled crustaceans having a duel on the beach. Rather, one had tentacles. The other just had legs. Dimorphism, perhaps. Despite their differences, they were evenly matched and shoved each other back and forth in the sands. Isabel looked back to her datapad. No, messaging Xanathe directly might be a bad idea. She had that defensiveness about her. There was no telling how she'd interpret things.

A loud crack and an answering squeal interrupted her thoughts. The tentacled crustacean had prevailed and was on the other's back, squeezing the life out of it. Isabel sighed, picked them up, and violently tried to shake them apart. "Oh you've won. Give him a rest, won't you?"

Suddenly the constricting tentacles fell lose of their owner. Isabel was left with a shell in her hand like a cast-off toupe. That shell promptly sprouted a dozen legs that all waved wildly as the "loser", tentacles still wrapped around it, dashed madly into the water. The heiress blinked dumbly at it swimming away. So those tentacles were their own being? Or were the two shelled things just fighting for control of it? Were the tentacles independently trying to hurt them or... what had she just interrupted?

She sighed and set the creature in her hand free. She wasn't sure small beach crustaceans had feelings, but its scuttling after the others seemed desperate. She had interfered in something she didn't understand, once again. The plan for Xanathe could have yet changed. There were an awful lot of unknowns. She needed to call home as soon as she heard back from Iskrin.

For now she replied to Xanatos.

Dear friend,

Iskrin is not with us, so it surprises me to hear him missing without Xanathe. When we left him and your sister at the base, he was a little loopy and in ill-health, but still quite desirous of Ms. Sadarii despite his impairments. Did something happen?

It also surprises me to hear you want all of us back upon Nogatan. My apologies if the question seems a bit cynical, but how would you propose to divide the spoils in the inevitable event of our victory?

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Re: Epilogue: Epic's End(ALL)

Postby Xanatos Sadarii » Mon Apr 09, 2018 4:38 am

Xanatos was distracted from his vibrating datapad by the surprise reveal of Dracon's lustrous beard, though he noticed more that the man had friendly eyes. He had, courtesy of Kodarr, developed a partial immunity to the allure of majestic facial hair, and thanked that lucky coincidence, as he may have been struck dumb otherwise. Instead, he simply had to resist the impulse to touch it, to run his fingers through its length and realize that everything in the universe was okay. He was a Sith, after all. They hated everything in the universe being okay.

At last, he was able to pull his attention away from Dracon's dramatic reveal and focus on Isabel's message. He smiled, remembering tales of the conflicts between his father and her mother. They had a better relationship, at least he thought, but he knew that they differed philosophically, perhaps moreso now that Xanatos had been able to express his desires.

At last, he typed out a response, glowering just momentarily at Xanathe before doing so:

"No idea about Xanathe and Iskrin. Maybe he's pissed that his pheromones didn't completely control her? Or maybe she just didn't put out quickly enough for his liking. Then again, maybe Brahlis had a stroke or something. I hear it's the thing to have when you need to die.

As far as Nogatan goes, I'm following what we set out to do and the short intel we got from Sephlyl's message. He said together we're more than enough to take it all. If that's not true, we'll come and go without leaving a trail. As far as how we split things up. Well, we could either split it up equitably...or we could fight about it. Do you want to come and fight about it, Isabel? =)"
He liked Isabel, a lot. But he knew that it would come to that, sooner or later. Their philosophies were too different. At least they were, right now. He dreamed of a time when Isabel was willing to listen to the whispers of power of the Dark Side. He could show her the way, even, when she was ready. After that, Iskrin. And then they could all be one happy family. He smiled warmly at the thought.
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Re: Epilogue: Epic's End(ALL)

Postby Isabel Lydeck » Tue Apr 10, 2018 3:57 pm

My my, Isabel thought as she reviewed the text. Despite Xanatos's apparent lack of knowledge concerning Iskrin's disappearance, she could infer a few things from reading his guesses. A guess about pheromones and control, a guess about putting out, and a guess about death. She had once worked with the young Sadarii to break up Iskrin and Xanathe, and thus she remembered Xanatos's view of their relationship to be disapproving like her own, if for different reasons. Back then he'd been motivated by jealousy and a desire to not be replaced. Isabel had been motivated by prejudice, righteously so. She tapped her chin again in thought. How odd. It seemed the boy Sadarii was motivated by love and she was motivated by hatred. Opposing sentiments towards one object managed to drive them towards the same goal.

But something had changed. They had lost, or arrived at a state Isabel defined as defeat, and she was stuck in a peace treaty with the Sadarii invading her family. And absent in Xanatos's text was any kind of joy or triumph in Iskrin's disappearance. Perhaps he made peace with it somehow, despite maintaining a dim view of her brother. It would make sense. His motivation now seemed to be the reconquest of Nogatan, as it had been in the beginning. She wondered if the past goal and the current were related somehow. Perhaps instead of prime importance in his sister's life he instead wanted prime importance over the entire population of a planet, or at least a sizeable fiefdom. The idea of battling for supremacy was privileged over all others with a smiley face.

It was all still conjecture, of course, based on sterile text.

Dearest friend,

Believe me when I say I am just as puzzled as you are, but I have reached out. We shall see what the response is. How is Xanathe taking it? I hope our treasured sister is not too distraught.

As for fighting, I was taught to never strike without the intent to kill. A little dramatic, yes, but you may recall my bloodline as dangerous, as I recall yours. Perhaps splitting it up equitably would be the safest for us all, but it would truly surprise me if our Sith-aspiring company would agree. I merely want treasure to continue my travels. I hope you do not find that sentiment too disappointing.

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Re: Epilogue: Epic's End(ALL)

Postby Xanatos Sadarii » Wed Apr 11, 2018 1:02 am

Glancing at the text, Xanatos frowned in thought, considering primarily her typed words before responding in kind. He glanced over at Xanathe, then back at the pad, finally starting to quickly type a message.

"Xanathe will be fine. She still has people that care about her, no matter what ends up happening with your brother. We'll just have to see." He glanced over at Dracon, then to Jinx, and finally at Xanathe again. Their alliance had dwindled, but with Isabel and her crew they likely still had a shot, as they were supposed to easily win when they were at full strength.

"Peace though, Isabel? You want to make me a liar? I think...back in the Army and Temple days, wasn't there a cold war sort of thing? Can we at least do that? Maybe...maybe we should win first, decide later. You know, the intel from Sephlyl Sejo might be wrong. Maybe the guy didn't even have a stroke and died of something stranger, like severe constipation. From what I've heard about him, he was full of shit, so it makes sense. ; )" Xanatos hit send, paused for a moment, and then sent out a second, brief message: "Over." He had forgotten last time, and it was unforgiveable. Never again. His time to forget adding over to the end of his datapad messages...had come to a stop.
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Re: Epilogue: Epic's End(ALL)

Postby Xanathe Sadarii » Wed Apr 11, 2018 1:23 am

In her hurt and anger, Xanathe stood silently, her jaw tight as she continued to quietly seethe. Though the heat of her indignation was beginning to slowly cool, the random hollering of Jinx tore her eyes over her shoulder, wild and defensive as she observed the girl apparently having much more fun than she was. It was nauseating, and she scowled at the two of them. Belatedly she remembered that the tall bounty hunter had actually said something to her, the memory of his casualty not helping her mood. He had harmed her once, and though it was far from her primary concern, she certainly wasn't in a trusting or forgiving mood.

" Be careful with him Jinx." she said, somewhat backhandedly," He might just want you for ransom. He tried to capture me once, I have no doubt if there's a bounty on you he wouldn't stun you and haul you off too." If he caught her eyes at her words, he'd find her glaring hatefully at him. Then she took in a deep breath and shuffled away from the group for a few strides, feeling claustrophobic in the presence of so many happy entities. The feeling of isolation made her stomach turn.
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Re: Epilogue: Epic's End(ALL)

Postby Jinx Rell'ik » Wed Apr 11, 2018 1:32 am

As she stared up at the guy she now knew as Dracon, Jinx allowed herself to be awe struck by his amazing beard. Her expression turned downward at he interjection of Xanatos' sister, glancing belatedly with confusion, before a smile again bloomed across her features.

" Hey, I ain't got no bounties. I know how to keep things on the down low, yaknowhadimean?" Enthusiastically she grasped Dracon's hand and gave it a shake, winking precipitously to the point it probably looked kinda weird, " Nice ta meetcha, Dracon!" When she let go of his hand Jinx would have almost seemed to zip around him to take the place between him and Xanatos. Perhaps rudely she peered at his data pad from his blind spot just past the periphery of his vision, and noted he was chatting someone up. That was interesting, but there was a question more pressing, prompting her to gently nudge him with her elbow, then yank him down to her level so she could whisper in her babe's ear.

" Your sister is definitely not on her period. What gives? Does she need to kill something?"Jinx pulled away to catch Xanatos' stare, her face written with an oddly, and genuinely concerned frown.
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Re: Epilogue: Epic's End(ALL)

Postby Isabel Lydeck » Wed Apr 11, 2018 5:05 am

Isabel rolled over on her back, holding the datapad between her face and the sun. He proposed sharing the planet, but he also wanted to adhere to the warlike traditions of the Sith, from the sounds of it. She wasn't sure how hard she wanted to tug on that thread. In her brief bout with insanity, her true hatred for the Sith likely shone through without her normal diplomatic mannerisms to contain it. She wasn't sure who all heard about her fight with Sephlyl or its motivations either before she left.

Dearest friend,

Peace is a lie, there is only bother.
From bother I gain strength.
Through strength I gain power.
Through power I gain victory.
Through victory I gain peace.
Through peace I attract more bother.
Force-wielders ruin everything.

She looked at the words on the tablet without sending them, warm nostalgia building in her chest. Her parents had consciously spared her young self the stress of even hearing about the Sith, and so she knew their oath only from memories of Nogatan. This version came from so-called "training" with her mother. That is, sitting on the banks of some river, talking to her while she fished and eventually fell asleep. Isabel didn't appreciate how difficult a child she'd been until she was already grown. She needed training and an education on the Force to survive in the dangerous galaxy, but back then she hadn't understood. She would stage elaborate lynchings of her stuffed animals, torment droids and tutors alike, disappear, reappear where she'd been forbidden to go, and generally fill her days with unnumbered rogueries rather than learn.

And so, she didn't learn anything until her mother stepped in. Her lessons came in complex rambling, bizarre patchworks of anecdotes, and the occasional question or exercise, but it was far better than nothing. Tessian believed her daughter was on a path to power and knew far too much already, but that there was a necessary thing that couldn't be directly taught. She'd said as much to Isabel, in the midst of her rants.

Sitting next to so much water only enhanced the memories, but the heiress erased the poem and started over.

Dearest friend,

Please deliver my condolences to Xanathe nonetheless. She could always use an extra person caring about her in this difficult time.

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Re: Epilogue: Epic's End(ALL)

Postby Xanatos Sadarii » Thu Apr 12, 2018 3:44 am

Xanatos glared at Jinx when he caught her snooping on him, but did so in a playfully exaggerated his way, narrowing his eyes and pursing his lips like he had just inhaled half a lemon while doing so. In answer to her question, he whispered a response. "Her boyfriend's being a douche. Literally. He wants her to be clean, other parties prefer her dirty. And he left her so she could..." he wondered if he should continue the analogy, deciding ultimately that yes, of course he should, "see how it really feels to not be fresh scented, I guess. If that makes sense. We've been trying to tell her to stick to what comes natural. Moral is to be yourself, I think." He glanced back down at his datapad, quirking an eyebrow. He had noticed a lengthy bout of 'Isabel is typing,' then a long pause, followed by the brief message he received. He wondered what that was all about.

"Will do. Might try to set her up with Auroc if he ever makes it out of the cave if things don't work out with Iskrin. You know he's been in there since you all fought Drackonis? Being blind must suck. I feel bad, because I almost led him out when we found him again and then I completely forgot about doing it. He could use someone in his life to show him the way, I think. Help him cross busy streets and what not. Anyway, see you on Nogatan. It's clobberin' time! Over."
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Re: Epilogue: Epic's End(ALL)

Postby Iskrin Lydeck » Thu Apr 12, 2018 4:43 am

The command deck of the Ascension lurched as the frigate fell out of hyperspace, joining the orbit of the Lydeck clan's home planet of Imecka. Iskrin Lydeck, scion of House Lydeck and the commander of the ship, furrowed his brow as his home planet came into view. In his head it was all he could do to replay the message he'd received back on Illum. It had been encrypted, received by Sven, and deciphered into the clearest threat to the Lydeck lineage his informants had ever provided him. Iskrin couldn't imagine what had caused them to suddenly act, but whatever the reason their intent was clear: the death of Brahlis Lydeck.

Sven worked what could only be described as magic on the consoles behind Iskrin, the android manning what normally required multiple crew members. His conversation with the docking crew became little more than an indistinct murmur as Iskrin delved into his personal datapad. It had chirped loudly as they'd come out of their jump, and several messages came into view. The first was from Isabel, and the second from Xanathe.

Isabel! In his haste to leave Illum the task of informing his sister had been lost on Iskrin. The prince rose, multi-tasking in preparing his equipment as he rushed out a response to his beloved sibling.

Imecka. Father is in trouble. Can you get back here? I'll try and handle it myself.

From somewhere around him, Sven announced their imminent landing on Imecka. The prince's bright blue eyes then took in Xanathe's message, and had he not already been so flushed he'd have been angry at her tone. If either of them should have been angry, it was Iskrin. The Sadarii daughter had inexplicably gone after the man who had not only tried to make her murder a child, but who'd tried to kill Iskrin. All of that, and she was now threatening him?

Iskrin grit his teeth, beating down the urge to smash the pad upon the ground, and simply swiped Xanathe's message away. He could vividly see in his mind's eyes Xanathe being so easily persuaded by Drackonis and her brother. Two cancerous influences turning her against him. This was not what he needed right now, and providing no response would be better than what he'd want to reply right now.

"Take us down!" Iskrin barked as the last hook of his armor hissed into place. Upon the dash, several red dots illuminated the viewport as the Ascension's systems identified ships with a specific foreign identification. The information had been correct.
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Re: Epilogue: Epic's End(ALL)

Postby Dracon Bevii’ragir » Thu Apr 12, 2018 8:34 am

Dracon looked at the two woman. Their demeanors completely different. But something was similar about the two, perhaps some unknown connection between the two that went beyond the world as they knew it. Or perhaps it was just they both had a connection with Xanatos.

Dracon looked towards Xanathe after Jinx returned her attention to her lover. His deep green eyes stared into hers. I understand your disposition towards me. But I find it much harder to claim bounties on people I know closely. Perhaps during our trip we may speak more. But if we do not. Do not fear, I have no intention on claiming any bounties posted by Cadmus. Which makes you, your brother and the other two safe from me. Unless I’m attacked first, then we will see where the cards fall.

Dracon looked around. speaking of getting out of here. Do we have a ship? Mine got blasted.
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Re: Epilogue: Epic's End(ALL)

Postby Drackonis » Thu Apr 12, 2018 8:46 am

As if on cue, the sound of an engine neared the exterior of the hanger. The unmarked ship the Jedi from the cave had used entered the hanger. It’s engines hummed as it rotated and landed. The rear of the ship faced towards the gathered members. Below the engines a door opened as the blast shield lowered into a ramp. The lightning from the ships interior back lit the Sith who stood at the opening.

Drackonis made his way down the ramp, his black cloak wrapped around him, and his black cowl with a crimson red edge cast its usual shadow over his damaged face. The sound of his breather pulsed as he walked down the ramp. Only to be drowned out occasionally as his heavy boots stepped across the metal ramp, thumping with each step.

Drackonis looked around at the group, seeing new and familiar faces. Drackonis looked towards the Mandalorian, seeing his beard to end all beards.

Drackonis senses a sort of brooding from Xanathe, seeing members missing he could easily guess what angered her. He looked towards Xanatos. You got us a Mandalorian. You have been busy. Any other people of interest?
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Re: Epilogue: Epic's End(ALL)

Postby Manusia Mesin » Fri Apr 13, 2018 2:21 am

Out of the shadows strode Manusia Mesin, moving unhurriedly towards the group, almost as though experiencing trepidation. She stared at Drackonis with barely concealed suspicion, her body language tense like a startled cat. Her hand danced over the hilt of her lightsaber, but she remembered her mission, could sense that this would was the strength that they were looking for in the face of the other Sith's departure. But something about this other Sith struck her as wrong. She could sense so much darkness...and so much power. It took everything in her to avoid sparking her blade as memories of her past threatened to overwhelm.

"Manusia Mesin," she stated coolly. "I am with the Mandalorian."
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Re: Epilogue: Epic's End(ALL)

Postby Xanatos Sadarii » Fri Apr 13, 2018 2:30 am

Xanatos had been about to recount the comings and goings of all those who had came and went in the time of Drackonis' absence, an almost comical cavalcade that had flitted into his life and just as quickly departed without explanation. And then, one of them luckily had stuck around, though it was the one that didn't seem to care for him for whatever reason: Baldy McDroidgirl. Wise beyond his years, he kept the nickname to himself.

"Well, there were others. Some are off planet. I think others might be buried in the snow or something. Or maybe they also had strokes. Are we ready? I've sent out messages to all of them. They can follow the breadcrumbs to Nogatan, if they're so inclined." Noticing Manusia's tension towards Drackonis, he glanced at her with a careful smile.

"You know, he's actually a really nice guy, once you get to know him." Xanatos' thoughts drifted as he looked over at her, wondering first if she had ever accessorized with refrigerator magnets and then trailing to the inevitable image of his father doing the same, maybe recounting locations he and his mother had visited.
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Re: Epilogue: Epic's End(ALL)

Postby Drackonis » Fri Apr 13, 2018 8:50 pm

Drackonis looked towards the one known as Manusia, her reactive tenseness at seeing him he found interesting. He wondered her background and what she had endured to grant her such an interesting body. Her comment about being with Dracon was interesting. He was not sure if she meant intimately or not. Time would tell

It would appear this group through lighter a few members is stronger than before. Thanks to some of the newly acquired talent.

Drackonis orange eyes held there gaze on Manusia a moment, he sensed a strength in her. But it was different than his own. He was curious to learn more about her.

we leave shortly he said breaking his gaze and speaking to the group present
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Re: Epilogue: Epic's End(ALL)

Postby Dracon Bevii’ragir » Fri Apr 13, 2018 8:55 pm

Dracon turned around when he heard her voice, glad to see her again. He realized it would be the first time she would see him without his helmet. As he looked towards her he saw her serious demeanor. He followed her eyes towards the one known as Drackonis. The man seemed very dangerous, but so was Manusia. Dracon walked over to her, his only friend in what seemed like a sea of enemies. He worked with them now, but he knew their kind. Trust was not a word tonuse for them.

Standing before Manusia, he placed a hand on her shoulder. You okay?
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Re: Epilogue: Epic's End(ALL)

Postby Manusia Mesin » Sat Apr 14, 2018 2:26 am

Manusia felt further discomfort as Drackonis' eyes very obviously roved over her features, involuntarily drawing in a breath before narrowing her eyes. Dracon's touch of her shoulders brought somewhat of an ease in tension, though she wrapped a hand more tightly around her lightsaber. She almost didn't recognize his lack of a helmet, glancing at him and then a second time, doing a double take.

She had to admit, she didn't dislike what she saw, though it was decidedly different from her expectations. It was enough to at least take her mind off the evil so nearby, at least temporarily as her shoulders ever so slightly slumped, though she was still at the ready if combat had to ensue.

"I am..." she whispered, sucking in a breath. She then added more definitively, "I am," louder, more confident. "Thank you, Dracon." Now, both men warred with her attentions, each for entirely different reasons.
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Re: Epilogue: Epic's End(ALL)

Postby Xanatos Sadarii » Sat Apr 14, 2018 2:36 am

"You know, I'm offended," Xanatos said with a sense of amusement, taking in Manusia's clearly repulsed response to Drackonis. "I've tortured quite a few people lately and done some objectively awful things, and all I got was a bop on the nose. I'm starting to get jealous of you, Lord Drackonis." He glanced around, then back at the Sith lord.

"Is there something holding this up, then? I mean, I think we're all ready. Unless you have to power Manusia down first or something, Dracon." He backed up a bit, pulling Jinx with him, putting him outside range of a retaliatory strike.
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Re: Epilogue: Epic's End(ALL)

Postby Xanathe Sadarii » Sat Apr 14, 2018 7:11 pm

Xanathe's eyes hardened against Dracon like stone, unwilling, distrusting and guarded. It was a place she had never wanted to return to, and yet, as she grimaced at the Bounty Hunter she found herself there again. It was a painful thing to remember as her expression fell, her eyes scanning the others, catching momentarily on the woman who she was amazed she had not noticed until right then. How someone could become so utterly consumed by machinery like this one named Manusia... she shuddered to think the pain she must have endured. All of a sudden she realized the crowd that had gathered, felt her belly tighten with discomfort around so many new faces.

The state of mind she was in would not withstand questions, she knew would have no patience for platitudes or small talk. Sorrow bit in deep as Xanathe feel deeper into old habits, withdrawing into herself, making the choice to become the other as she picked up her backpack, filled with what wardrobe and items she had left and her mother's holocron. Silently she rushed past her brother, Jinx, Manusia, Dracon and Lord Draconis, deciding to avoid awkward interactions as she moved up the ramp, her long stride carrying her quickly into such familiar sensations of isolation that soon matched her physical surroundings.


Tears burned behind her eyes the further away she moved from the others. Lord Drackonis kept himself distanced, avoiding confronting the faults The First Born Sadarii still struggled with. Xanatos was kind, but nevertheless somewhat oblivious of all she felt deep down; Abandonment, betrayal, failure, loss... loneliness. Then there was the sensation that had stoked her anger, that no one actually wanted her to be herself, they wanted her to be like them. It was weakness to feel this way, wasn't it? She couldn't show such vulnerabilities out loud any longer, she had to be stronger... whatever that meant.

By the time she entered the common area of the Jedi ship, her whole self craved the darkest corner she could find. Almost hopelessly she threw down her pack on a bench seat in a corner, dimly lit with reading lights. There she dug into her backpack, taking out an old tattered journal from days that had once seemed endless on Dathomir. It still had the same utensil with it. Many of the pages were tattered and curled with her heavy handed writings scrawled along each line. It was perhaps the only place that would take in her truths without offering rebuttal, judgment or advice. It simply accepted her words, and allowed her to vent them out of herself as she furiously wrote them down, fighting back tears.


For a moment she paused, gripping the pen in her hand so tightly it bent, though she was able to restrain the urge to break it.

I am such a hopeless fool. I am not like you. I am not like Drackonis. I am myself, and so often I feel as though no one sees me, no one wants to. They want to see their vision of me, their ideal if what they think I should be. I am so lonely. For a moment I thought perhaps I didn't have to stay this way, when you accepted me despite everything. But it appears now it was all a facade. I hope Xanatos is right, I hope his optimism that was once mine is correct about you. My heart can't take anymore cruel turns of fate. It is agony to consider, even for a moment that everything we've shared could be for nothing.

Again she paused, anger snapping hard against her frailty as she quickly wiped away a stealthy tear that had escaped.

Sometimes I contemplate simply wandering off into the wilderness so I don't have to be like this, constantly judged, always pulled at by others' expectations. I keep getting yanked back and forth between my lineage, and my hopes for what could be, what I feel deep down is right. If it means ultimately that I must be alone to avoid snapping in two... I felt like I could handle that, as I held my mother's blade in my hand...

But I'm not
I'm not sure I could survive it.

Again and again I am told I am wrong, no matter what I do. Perhaps I will lose my mind, perhaps I will find someone who doesn't push their expectations onto me, who doesn't want to use me for their own gain. I hope that person is you... but without you here I can't be certain.

Where are you?

Her pen stopped dead on the page in the dot of that question mark, the ink bleeding out into the paper as she stared at the words. Her vision blurred as she slowly sunk her forehead against her folded up knees. It was a familiar place. Belatedly she placed her things back into her backpack. Then she slumped against the seat, resting her head in the corner, where she made an attempt to find calm in the blackness beneath her eyelids.
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Re: Epilogue: Epic's End(ALL)

Postby Isabel Lydeck » Sat Apr 14, 2018 7:57 pm

Isabel put a finger to her chin as she read Xanatos's message. Auroc lost in a cave? Well, that was for the best. Her last clear memory of him was wanting to murder him for kicking her brother while he was unconscious after she'd warned him not to. It wasn't worth going back to Illum, but she was certain if she saw him again she would put something unpleasant in his empty eye sockets at the very least.

She was on the cusp of replying that she still had no reason to go to Nogatan when Iskrin's message popped in. Father in trouble? The heiress stood up, datapad still in hand. If it was enough to threaten father it must be grave indeed. Father had ruled nations and sat among the most powerful of Sith Lords as an equal. Xanatos's quip about a stroke seemed oddly relevant now, prescient almost, and the fact left her irrationally annoyed with him for a moment. She replied to Iskrin:

I'm on my way. Stay safe, brother.

She kept the message short to convey urgency, although she wished she could have gotten more details. Most of the messages she'd received that afternoon left her feeling that way. She walked back towards Imerus's ship as she finally wrote Xanathe.

Dearest sister,

I hope this message finds you well. Xanatos has told me of Nogatan, but also your troubles. I have asked him to deliver my condolensces to you. When he does, I would prefer you tell him I will not be making it to Nogatan straightaway with your group. Some...

A thought interrupted Isabel's text. If Xanatos and Xanathe didn't know where Iskrin was, she could really say anything here. If she truly wanted the Sadariis out of her family and her life, an opportunity was here on a golden platter to sow the seeds of mistrust.

But she consciously put away the temptation. After all, if she didn't keep her promise, she wouldn't be right in the end. And she would otherwise be right eventually. She was sure of it.

Some trouble has befallen my father and Iskrin is probably not well enough to fix it on his own. And so I must go. I am not sure what role your brother expects of our family in the reconquest of that place, but if you aspire to be a Lydeck I'm most curious what your intentions are for it all.

I hope we can discuss it soon,
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Re: Epilogue: Epic's End(ALL)

Postby Manusia Mesin » Sat Apr 14, 2018 9:38 pm

Though Xanathe did not remember Manusia, Manusia remembered her. She had been just a little girl when Mesin was banished from the nightsisters, but her presence in the Force was unmistakable, despite how greatly her appearance had changed over the years. She sensed the distrust, but ultimately something more, something far more severe as she withdrew from the group. She felt altogether different from her brother. Where he seemed likely to follow in the fouler aspects of his legacy, in Xanathe Manusia sensed conflict, as though she herself were a battleground between the light and the dark.

Manusia immediately wanted to help her, to perhaps guide her to some greater truth in herself, but knew that now was not the moment, that she'd do more harm than good, at least until Xanathe had time to reflect.

Nevertheless, she followed in the girl's wake, at least until she had likewise boarded the ship. She saw no reason to continue standing around with Dracon and the Legion of Doom. As she found a seat beside a holochess board, she reflected on her mission; perhaps, just perhaps someone would be able to help her down the line, to free her from the invisible bonds of a slavery none of them were even aware was taking place.
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