Epilogue: Epic's End(ALL)

A tale of reawakening, retaliation, revenge, and redemption.

Re: Epilogue: Epic's End(ALL)

Postby Xanatos Sadarii » Thu May 03, 2018 3:50 am

Xanatos found himself nodding at Drackonis' plan, which elaborated on his own in ways that took advantage the diverse talents of those present on the ship. He glanced around at the others, not seeing any dissent, before catching the eye of his beloved Jinx. He couldn't help but smile at her expression in turn, though as a Sith he could not afford to be seen returning a thumbs up, unfortunately. It was one of the many sacrifices on the road to unlimited power. And so, looking around one more time, he sprinted off and away from the group, finding his way to the bridge.

In his excitement, he had forgotten about the ship that Amon and his allies had arrived with. And so, after plugging in the coordinates for Nogatan, numbers he had long since memorized as a child, there was a loud crunching grind of metal against metal as the one tore free of the other. Then, they went to hyperspace, leaving the other as a derelict. "Whoops," he said, realizing the mistake he had made. Sith certainly, but he still had not been able to dismiss the youthful exuberance and impulse that continued to be a cloying weakness.

It didn't take long, no more than a few hours. Xanatos knew that the others would have to spend time getting the plan ready rather than yell at him over his error. The hammer would drop eventually, but hopefully by that time they'd all be wealthy enough ten times over that the loss of a ship would be inconsequential, failing the possibility that they very well could get it back, if the Force was with them. He didn't have much in the way to prepare, but kept his own senses sharp, withdrawing his dagger and feeling the blade before returning it back to its holster. He placed a hand then at his side, feeling at the holocron, almost perceiving it getting both hotter and colder somehow at the same time as they drew ever nearer to their destination.

At last, the lines of hyperspace broke, and there it was...Nogatan, at last.


It was...it looked darker than he remembered from the the holovid information he had always seen. And where...where was the airspace? He checked his chronometer, quickly compared it to what he was able to find on Nogatan's time, and confirmed that it was indeed night on Novus Vires...but that didn't account for the whole planet being dark. Had they...could they have all fled after Cadmus' death? Was this some extremely elaborate trap? Is it possible this was all orchestrated, unwittingly, through Sephlyl Sejo? Xanatos hurried towards the main hold, hoping to rejoin with the others. He had completely forgotten about leaving the other ship behind, and its ramifications. He was focused instead on the puzzling dilemma he saw before them. Again, as he fidgeted with his belongings his hand once again felt against the Sadarii holocron. Now, it burned with the cold of dry ice, and he pulled his hand away, putting it in another pocket.

"I...don't think anyone is home," he said, hoping his voice had a confident spin, indicating that things were ripe for the taking rather than extremely strange.
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Re: Epilogue: Epic's End(ALL)

Postby Gil Fallenstar » Fri May 04, 2018 12:11 am

That was lucky.

Gil had just gotten off the commlink with his HK unit. The young Sadarii boy had lost a lot of grace in the elder Fallenstars eyes recently, if there was their deal that he had failed to even to attempt to make good on and now what he had just done to his ship; once upon a time he would have killed the younger Sadarii for his thoughtlessness regardless of the damage that had been wrought because the way he saw it, they should all be dead their ships torn apart by the sudden interaction between the ships. According to HK and what he himself could see however, it was his own vessel that had taken the brunt of the damage; the tunnel connecting the two ships had been obliterated and the resulting vacuum that had swept through the ship had destabilized more than he cared to think about - it wasn't anything that was beyond repair according to his droid who was more than capable of affecting said repairs.

It was exactly what he had order the machine to do before terminating the connection after all but it would still take time something that was in apparently short supply for some reason. Despite how lucky they had gotten with Xanatos's little stunt, it appeared that was where the luck also ended.

He looked out a view port at the planet he had once called home, it was obvious something was wrong at a glance to anyone who knew anything about how planets should look at any given time. The fact he knew what the planet normally looked like for years and now it had changed was even more conspicuous, at this distance he couldn't get a read on the feeling on the planet but the fact that it was engulfed in darkness meant that something big either was happening or had already happened. Stolen memories came to mind, a world of blind Force Sensitives engulfed in a similar blackness a dark cloud sweeping across its surface seeing it happen in his minds eye as if he had actually witnessed it himself firsthand.

That wasn't what was happening here though, that did leave another huge gap in their knowledge of what exactly was causing this change in at least Nogatans atmosphere. Drackonis had advised staying on the ship in case someone recognized him but Gil also knew there was an uncanny resemblance between himself and his son given their more than just shared bloodline - something that had slipped their mind and he could see coming back to bite them. Regardless, this ship was the last place he was going to be staying after what he had just seen of Nogatan especially given their plans.
"It was as if he lived in the far past while grieving over a distant future."

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Re: Epilogue: Epic's End(ALL)

Postby Amon Fallenstar » Fri May 04, 2018 12:56 am

Looking down through the view port that he shared with his father Amon could see that something was wrong with the planet below. He had been there once before when one of the Puris Jedi had gone there in search of... well, his father. At the time he hadn't known of the familial connection and the elder Fallenstar had even occupied another body entirely during their encounter - the strike force sent to recover their wayward Padawan had consisted of himself and two other Masters and while it had been a success, it had also been the act that had brought his father into the folds of the Jedi once more.

That was when everything had started going wrong.

Focusing himself in the present he looked down at the unnaturally black planet below them with his brows furrowed. He had no idea why this could be happening but he didn't get a good feeling about it and he already didn't have a positive of the planet because of his past with it and what it represented. If irony had a taste, it would have been filling his mouth. Amons thoughts about what Xanatos had done in his haste were... well it was his fathers ship and he had only had clothes there since one Jedi teaching he hadn't abandoned was the lacking of possessions - if nothing else it made travelling a light affair.

Ha. Jedi. Light travelling.

Was his fathers smoking like a chimney right next to him having a second hand affect? No, his mouth wasn't dry - quite the opposite actually so much so he was working to control it. Shaking himself he turned away as Xanatos rejoined them speaking out in an attempt to lighten the mood. Dammit, he was doing it again. He shot a glance at his master and saw that he was still just staring at the planet below, he had behaved in a similar manner before they'd gone down to Ziosts surface and then how he had behaved once they had landed even now framed against the view port behind him Amon could feel that same sensation that didn't stem from himself but the other surviving member of the Fallenstars, a white noise that interfered with his Force Sense to read the people around him - let alone the planet below.

Putting some distance between himself and his father he made himself comfortable in a seat and waited to see what others would say about this new development before he decided to chime in himself.
"The presence of a Fallenstar,
If you could convince the Order of their survival,
It would tremble in fear,
The name itself is power."

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Re: Epilogue: Epic's End(ALL)

Postby Nepenthe » Fri May 04, 2018 2:27 am

Nepenthe stared at the planet for a while like most of the others seemed to as she had to wonder if this is the planet they were talking about. Why would they want this planet? Seemed like there was something wrong with it...then again they had weird tastes so maybe it was normal? She doubted that one, an entire planet being dark is not normal as far as she could tell. Especially if they wanted to go on a mission that hinged on people doing there jobs right. She had no intention of doing so, but she just might have to just to be sure that her master was safe. She wasn't going to leave him in someone else's hands, that was for damn sure. She didn't like the fact that her lover was going on that planet, so him going without her was not going to happen. If it was anyone else, she wouldn't even be here...damn comitment.

She examined the others, noting Gil smoking as he seemed a bit concerned himself. She didn't know the limit to him, but if he was concerned then she should be too since he is tougher than her master wants to admit. It's also possible he just looks that way because he is probably upset about his ship but what did she know. She just observed him every now and again, but didn't really know the first thing about him except to not trust him like her master keeps reminding her.

She looked to Amon who put distsance between his father and made himself comfortable as he didn't seem very concerned. Sometimes she read him too clearly and other things she couldn't tell what he was thinking. To be honest, she could only really understand him when he was mad, she should try to pay more attention to him when he isn't. She didn't really deal with most emotions, or people for that matter so being with him and needing to work with so many others was probably going to give her an aneurysm before all this is said and done.

She rested her back against the nearby wall and just continued to watch and listen, mostly observe like an invisible guardian to her love.
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Re: Epilogue: Epic's End(ALL)

Postby Venom » Fri May 04, 2018 2:38 am

Venom wasn't sure if she should be annoyed or amused by the sudden jump to the plant that their operation was to be handled. In the end, she just let it pass considering it wasn't her problem and it was perhaps a good thing she followed quietly. Who knows what would have happened had she been on the ship when they had left. She could have died....perhaps she should be annoyed? She wasn't on the ship though so perhaps not...meh oh well think about that later.

She looked to the planet like most everyone else did, as the sight was not expected and according to everyone's expressions, it probably wasn't supposed to look like that. Gil smoking like a chimney and the one who was pushing everyone to go here looked rather shocked as well, told her that it probably wasn't a good thing too.

Good to note.

She found a spot on the floor to take a seat and observe the others again while occasionally being able to look out to the planet below. She didn't have any real opinions on any of this however, as she preferred to watch things happen rather than get involved. If she was lucky, they would more or less forget she was around and she could watch them all for a fairly long time. Much like someone watching a soap opera, with the benefit of not actually getting involved...she wasn't going to be that lucky however. She was sure of that, but if they thought she was on the ship, no reason to look for her right? Only time would tell on that, till then she would quietly observe.
I'm just a stray cat.
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