The Better Ship

A tale of reawakening, retaliation, revenge, and redemption.

Re: The Better Ship

Postby Xanatos Sadarii » Thu Jan 11, 2018 6:01 am

"It was a rout without any of us. Drackonis could have done it with his eyes closed. But it was a chance to commune with the Dark Side, and it's something I regret, greatly. You killed a lot of people. I hope if I was there, that not only would I kill a lot of people but that I'd also have inspired even more carnage than what took place. It's vain, it's arrogant, maybe untrue. Perhaps you killed those in the Hutt's domain until your arms got tired and you couldn't physically lift them anymore to smite your adversaries. But unless you left the place a ghost, if I was with you I would have been disappointed. And that's what I'm truly sorry for, Amon. If you exhausted yourself, I would have came behind you, seizing your arms in mine...and we would have bathed in all their blood together."

"I killed womp rats. I rankled at killing womp rats. The moment I was given something better, something more important, I left. There is no harsher judge for my actions than me. As far as Xanathe goes? For what she did, she is dead to me." The words were ultimately a lie, though they had some truth to them. His relation with his sister was complicated.
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Re: The Better Ship

Postby Amon Fallenstar » Thu Jan 11, 2018 7:52 am

The pale Sith had a way with words. Amon had found it hard not to notice the pendulum swings in his conversations, sometimes he was reserved and thoughtful and others... Well, Amon himself couldn't see how soaking in the blood of his enemies would help him and either way normally his lightsaber left no blood something now that he thought about it was a benefit he didn't appreciate enough.

"I wonder if Lord Drackonis would have permitted such with time being on the essence," Amon responded, he supposed that this was some form of Xanatos telling him that he had his back. He snorted at the mention of womp rats, when he had told him that his sister had really been in no danger, that had not been what he thought he had meant. His declaration about his sister however was unconvincing to the younger Fallenstar at best, it being very much a case that that's exactly what he had said last time.

"I suppose we'll see about that the next time womp rats attack," he paused, "I'm sure that on a contested planet like Ilum, there will be much danger to be taken care of. There will almost certainly be Jedi on the planet as well, a fight to look forward too." the thought made the hairs on the back of his neck stand up, he had not let faced a Jedi since he left the Order but there were crimes he would make them pay for as well; he was just waiting for his chance.
"The presence of a Fallenstar,
If you could convince the Order of their survival,
It would tremble in fear,
The name itself is power."

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Re: The Better Ship

Postby Xanatos Sadarii » Thu Jan 11, 2018 9:24 pm

"Oh...right," Xanatos realized abruptly, seeing both stories merge into one indistinct mess in Amon's thoughts. "While you were killing Tusken raiders, my group killed womp rats. Well, two out of four of us, at any rate. Isabel decided to go on a nature hike, and I believe Xik'kesh took a nap, so it was only Vorn and myself. And then the...Xanathe incident, we can call it, that was different. Her and Iskrin stole Auroc's speeder, stayed out past their bedtimes, were attacked by bounty hunters, were saved by Sephlyl Sejo, and then were punished for what they did, which I believe is the part of it that you caught. It was the attack that triggered the premonition I had, I think."

Saying it out loud, he suddenly began to suspect the nature of that premonition. There was a good chance Xanathe wasn't even aware of the attack, as she had been attacked with a stun bolt. But if that wasn't the case, then why did he have to be there? He missed out on strengthening his connection to the Dark Side with indiscriminate, easy instead being challenged by what he saw in the aftermath of the bounty hunter attack and his own torture, which led to him accepting his father...

He heard a low laughter ringing in his ears, before finally pushing it all away with an aggressive shake of his head, as though coming out of a daydream.

"Have you fought many Jedi, Amon?" he asked, clutching at something, anything else to take his mind off of how thoroughly he had been manipulated and the knowledge that there was no way to change what had happened anymore.
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Re: The Better Ship

Postby Amon Fallenstar » Fri Jan 12, 2018 12:18 am

Amon didn't comment on his being corrected, he did recall wondering what the rest of them did while they were off at the Sand People camp. A question that was now answered. The specfics of the story behind the punishment had not been what he expected, there were more questions now. Bounty hunter? For who? Why?

Before he had the chance to ask however Xanatos quickly countered with another question of his own, one he should have expected but also one that he had to be delicate answering given the company he was in. He might not be Jedi any longer but he also knew some didn't see it that way just as some Jedi believed that Sith were beyond atonement.

"Only the few that have thought themselves hunters," he and his father had fought three Jedi. They had been sent to bring Amon back after he had left the Order unable to stand their inaction anymore. In truth if he had been alone they would've taken him easily but he hadn't been alone and since then they had evaded attention from any organization; a good thing for he was sure that if they had been found or caught again, there would be more than just a few Jedi.

"Do we know why or who put the bounty out on..." he stopped letting the sentence drag on, who the bounty had been one was a detail he forgot to mention. Another thing he wasn't mentioning was his tension, he seemed unsettled and despite himself the younger of the Fallenstar pressed, "Are you... okay?"
"The presence of a Fallenstar,
If you could convince the Order of their survival,
It would tremble in fear,
The name itself is power."

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Re: The Better Ship

Postby Xanatos Sadarii » Fri Jan 12, 2018 5:04 am

"Quite alright," Xanatos was quick to offer, though it didn't take him long to realize that there was likely an amount of dead silence that occurred, and he had no idea exactly how long it lasted. He had to offer some explanation, clearly. "It's just...I really like killing people, you know? Have you ever stacked bodies together and made really big shapes? It's like those building toys from when we were kids. You remember Mega Bricks, right?" Xanathe and him did not have any Hol-egos, being poor.

He continued, going back to Amon's questions. "From my understanding, the 'True Empire' has a bounty out on at least some of us. Definitely my sister and me, as well as the Lydecks. Not sure about anyone else. did catch some of this when Sephlyl decided for us to move off planet, didn't you? I've been finding it helpful to take notes in a holopad."

"So have you ever been to a planet as cold as this Illum is supposed to be? I was just getting used to the heat..."
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Re: The Better Ship

Postby Sephlyl Sejo » Fri Jan 12, 2018 6:59 am

Sephlyl moved his kintan strider towards Auroc's own kintan. It wasn't quite within range yet, but it was in a threatening position. The lights in the ship flickered along with the holograms on the dejarik table. By the time the lights and the holograms had stabilized the dajarik board had reset itself to it's original starting positions.

"Blast it all," Sephlyl cursed under his breath before standing from the table, "I better go check on the hyperdrive. Don't want the ship losing power in the middle of jump. Could end up in the middle of a star," he said as he began making his way back to the engine room.
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Re: The Better Ship

Postby Sephlyl Sejo » Fri Jan 12, 2018 8:25 pm

Inside engine room Sephlyl found the cause of the flickering lights and dejarik table. A power cable had worked its way loose and the wiggly connection was causing micro power outages. Grabbing the line he shoved it into place before grabbing a roll of silvery space tape and began to tape up the connection. Wrapping it tightly around the cable and its connection port until he was satisfied that it would hold until Ilum.

After putting the tape back into the tool box the lithe Sith made his way to the cargo hold. It was rather empty, they would need to find an outpost or something to resupply once on Ilum, but for now the mostly empty space would allow plenty of room for him to go through a few training exercises. The Sith war sword was still rather new to him, compared to how long he had used his twin lightsabers. So far Ataru had seemed to transition rather easily to a weapon with a bit of weight in the blade. The leaping agressive form lent itself well to a weapon that could add it's own momentum to a strike.

The ceiling of the Jade Eagle wouldn't permit much leaping, but he could still get some practice in as he started going through a few basic strikes and movements, trying to keep everything as fluid as possible so as to conserve the momentum of the blade.
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Re: The Better Ship

Postby Amon Fallenstar » Fri Jan 12, 2018 8:46 pm

Amon narrowed his eyes at Xanatos as he replied initially, was he making fun of him? This sounded like something Gil-ch would say when he was taking the piss. He decided to assume that Xanatos was just... well Xanatos. Amon might have missed the information given to him by Sephlyl but he had noted that a few of the members of the group had darker desires than even himself.

However the comment wasn't dwelled on, the conversation moving swiftly along while Amon was still shaking the image of bodies stacked in various structured positions.

He wondered for a brief moment if the same people who were after the Sadariis and Lydecks would have put a bounty out on his father? It didn't really matter than much he supposed since he already knew others had a price on their heads, what was one more bounty going to matter?

"Of course I heard him," Amon responded hastily, in reality he had been too busy paying attention to the antics of Isabel and did not remember hearing any of that at all other than they were going to Ilum. He decided to blame it on the pheromones that she gave off for distracting him from the information he lacked but he knew saying it out loud would sound even more like an excuse.

"I've been to Ilum once before," he told Xanatos, answering his question. He had not envied the heat at all he had always done better in colder climates actually because he found that adding layers to say warm was easier than removing them to say cool. "I assume those of you without weapons are going to acquire them there?" it had struck him as a surprise when he had learned that many of the group in fact didn't have a lightsaber or weapon to call their own.
"The presence of a Fallenstar,
If you could convince the Order of their survival,
It would tremble in fear,
The name itself is power."

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Re: The Better Ship

Postby Xanatos Sadarii » Sun Jan 14, 2018 7:51 pm

"I have a weapon, just not a lightsaber," Xanatos finally responded, still appearing distracted. "It's not something that I've ever envied. It feels so...sanitary, almost detached. I like the sound of bone breaking when you cleave through it hard enough with an actual blade. I like the smell of blood. That's...I think that's my favorite about going to Illum. All that red against all that white. Is there anything else so beautiful?"

"It wasn't something my father was very fond of, either." It had taken him a moment again, lost in his imaginings of carnage. "Once he'd mastered Sith alchemy, he cast aside his red blade. It's something we took from the Jedi, a memory of our history as Dark Jedi before claiming our own identities."

"I can imagine they'd be fun to collect, though. Probably last a good deal longer than a severed head as a memento. Although, in the cold..."
his words trailed off, and he was again lost to cruel imaginings.
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Re: The Better Ship

Postby Amon Fallenstar » Sun Jan 14, 2018 9:10 pm

There he went again with the imagery though the more he spoke of it the more Amon understood where it all came from. It seemed like the Dark Side ran deep enough in the Sadarii linage that its lust was inherent it its heirs. Amon on the other hand felt no need to see the blood of the opponents he killed while sometimes unavoidable; getting the blood of someone that far beneath you on you? It was almost an insult.

Amon wondered if Xanatos was aware that most combat was engaged with energy weapons rather than ballistics and blades. He couldn't remember the last battlefield he'd been on where there had been anywhere near enough blood that he imagined would satisfy Xanatos. A correction the young Sadarii would have to make himself he supposed.

"Yes their begging at the end is so... unsightly, do they think it's going to change their fates? It's pathetic!" Amon responded to his tangent, the young Fallenstar had come from the compassionate way of the Jedi and seeing the need to help; to seeing through the illusion of that altruism and seeing the damage it did instead. It always happened like that but they kept trying, crawling, begging. "The less time spent around the trash, the better."

The comment on collection did produce snort of amusement, "If you like trophies, 'Ser Pervert' had a collection last time I checked. No heads though. It would take a lot of heads to keep a body warm in the cold, unless you're burning them for fuel?"
"The presence of a Fallenstar,
If you could convince the Order of their survival,
It would tremble in fear,
The name itself is power."

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Re: The Better Ship

Postby Xanatos Sadarii » Tue Jan 16, 2018 3:06 am

It took some work to parse out exactly what Amon meant, but Xanatos was largely able to gather than he was referencing the Jedi as pathetic and trash, or at least that made the only sense based on what he was saying. Perhaps the two were more kindred spirits than either knew; each lost here and there in their own memories and asides and struggling towards stilted conversation. "If the Jedi are trash, then you'll find me in the metaphorical dumpster, rubbing it all over myself. I've found disgust to be a powerful, often underused tool."

"And speaking of, that's an excellent idea. Severed heads, glowing flame as they slowly melt. Perhaps scalp them first, to avoid ruining the aroma of cooking flesh with burning hair. We have just become the best of friends, you and I." Xanatos said, clasping Amon's shoulder. "Now, if you'll excuse me. I want to get started on my collection." He walked away, trying to remember where he had left the corpse of the jawa Snek Waktik. He wondered if he and the others would be disappointed or amazed when they discovered exactly what the creature's head actually looked like.
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Re: The Better Ship

Postby Amon Fallenstar » Tue Jan 16, 2018 10:12 pm

"Of course."

Amon watched him go, they were on the ship with nowhere to go and he was going to start his collection? His mind working over the implications and meanings of their conversation while he still struggled with the concept of trust and friendship; he had been taught to it was best to doubt such things by his master. Grateful that Xanatos wasn't a fan of burning hair, mostly because of his own head of long, black hair.

His comment about the under use of disgust gave him something to ponder as the young Sadarii left his sight. It was a concept he would mull over during his resumed meditation until their arrival at their destination or the next interruption.
"The presence of a Fallenstar,
If you could convince the Order of their survival,
It would tremble in fear,
The name itself is power."

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