"It was a rout without any of us. Drackonis could have done it with his eyes closed. But it was a chance to commune with the Dark Side, and it's something I regret, greatly. You killed a lot of people. I hope if I was there, that not only would I kill a lot of people but that I'd also have inspired even more carnage than what took place. It's vain, it's arrogant, maybe untrue. Perhaps you killed those in the Hutt's domain until your arms got tired and you couldn't physically lift them anymore to smite your adversaries. But unless you left the place a ghost, if I was with you I would have been disappointed. And that's what I'm truly sorry for, Amon. If you exhausted yourself, I would have came behind you, seizing your arms in mine...and we would have bathed in all their blood together."
"I killed womp rats. I rankled at killing womp rats. The moment I was given something better, something more important, I left. There is no harsher judge for my actions than me. As far as Xanathe goes? For what she did, she is dead to me." The words were ultimately a lie, though they had some truth to them. His relation with his sister was complicated.