Vorn shot her an odd look. He didn't figure she would've noticed, not beneath his combat fatigues... But she knew now. No point trying to cover it up.
"Yeah, well, it's not my fault I have an attractive Captain," he retorted, though admittedly he felt he might've been too honest there, and could've probably come up with a better comeback if he really tried.
Suddenly, some strong force grabbed Vorn by the neck and forced him to his feet.
"Pathetic," Visaji growled. She had appeared from the ether right next to Vorn and was holding him up. He was still tied up, but the sheer titanic strength those fingers possessed left him little doubt it wouldn't have mattered if he had been free.
"You rejected all that wealth, all that power, for this? She has no respect for you!" Visaji yelled in anger.
"She doesn't appreciate your talent! And yet still you'd reject her for me?"Visaji pulled Vorn in close. She grinned wickedly, without humor.
"Then let's ask someone whose opinion you do care about."She pointed one of her fingers, tipped with a long nail like a claw, towards the corridor opposite of Isabel. That corridor changed halfway through, becoming more metal, more polished, like the inside of a starship. At its very end was a strange light that obscured the rest of the corridor from sight, and from that light stepped a man. His combat boots stomped on the armor plating beneath his feet. His pristine cloak swayed behind him.
Vorn's expression could hardly show greater shock.

It was a tall man, dressed in the same fatigues as Vorn, but in perfect condition. The man himself however had a bloody bandage wrapped around his head. There was a clearly visible hole in the bandage, the edges scorched. A direct blaster hit.
"Nice to see you again, Private 5537," the man said to Vorn. He waited a moment for Vorn's response, but there was none. Vorn could do nothing but stare, mouth agape, at his former Sergeant.
"What, no salute? Still taking your duties as lightly as ever. You see this hole in my skull?" He pointed at it for emphasis.
"Sniper, hiding down a dark corridor on the asteroid we were sent to. First deployment. That shot was meant for you, Private." He grabbed Vorn by his shoulders, looked at him up and down, then let him go.
"It was meant for you."Vorn hadn't noticed the other three men coming in. They all wore nearly identical uniforms. The Sergeant went to the first man, on the left, in a heavy suit of armor with an ammo bag tied to his bag. There were burnt blasterholes all over his torso.
"Private 5539, what was the nature of your injuries?" The soldier responded in a gruff voice.
"Ambush, Sir. Our transport broke down and crashlanded. Enemy caught up to us and laid down fire as we tried to make repairs. Got caught in the crossfire covering for my squad, Sir."
"And why did it take you so long to make repairs, Private 5539?" the Sergeant asked.
The soldier nodded towards Vorn.
"He was our engineer. We had no other tech specialists in the squad. That's why, Sir," he replied accusingly.
[b]"Stop... Please,"[/b] Vorn said. His breathing was fast, and his voice pained. He looked about ready to break."
The Sergeant, ignoring Vorn, stepped to the next man. This man was skinnier than the rest and was using a rifle for support. His right leg was missing below the knee, still dripping blood.
"What about yours, Private 5541?""We were spread out too thinly across our perimeter. We were down a man, so, I had no one to provide covering fire for me. A tank came towards my position, but as I tried to get my rocket launcher ready to fire, alone, it fired at me, blew my leg clean off. I bled to death, cause no one was there to cover me.""Please, I beg you," Vorn said, tears streaking down his face. This was his limit. To have the men he abandoned here, confirming all his worst fears. That, in a way, was worse than his worst nightmare.
The Sergeant stepped to the last man.
"Private 5699?""I was the last man standing, sir," said the trooper whose gear looked most like Vorn's. The left side of his body was just a hole. It was a miracle he was still in one piece.
"As the enemy wiped out the rest of the squad, I was the last soldier in my squad still able to fire. I was protecting a handful of wounded in our infirmary till the enemy decided to just blast their way in. Killed every man inside. Could've made an exit with the wounded if I had someone there to help me load the wounded into our transport."The Sergeant turned back to Vorn.
"Now, normally, we'd be obligated to help any of our comrades in arms, no matter the circumstances, ain't the right soldiers?" The three responded with a clear
"Sir yes sir!""Unfortunately," the Sergeant continued,
"That courtesy isn't extended to deserters." The three men turned on their heels and walked back into the light.
"Good luck, Private," the Sergeant said to Vorn.
"Where you're going, that's all you'll get to pray for."Vorn was weeping openly as the Sergeant left the room. He was but dead weight in Visaji's grip now, entirely broken.