Hide and go Seek (Amon/Lillith/Gil/Venom)

Along with the Nar Shaddaa, the Smuggler's Moon, this is the home of the Hutt species, and a den of scum and villainy like no other.

Re: Hide and go Seek (Amon/Lillith/Gil)

Postby Venom » Sat Apr 07, 2018 3:07 pm

He was raining down the punishment on her, she didn't even know why she was trying so hard when her skin was just as resistant to his light sabres as her tail. She didn't really have any tricks, she was rusty as hell and she was being drained. Plus a few more things and she just couldn't get anything on him. His attacks getting harder and harder to block, after a point you just got to stop defending so hard.

She knew the defensive form and two others but she didn't see the point. Delaying the inevitable she was good at but she was also stubborn. She wasn't going to stall the end. She was still going to try before she went down at least.

She decided to just let his light sabers hit her body and drop hers, the contact on her plates giving resistance he could feel as she threw her head forward to headbut him in the face. She dropping her defenses completely after realizing it was useless.

She couldn't afford to use the force beyond her attacks at this point. She couldn't think of anything that could put her back in the game as this was her last desperate attempt to hit him if she couldn't keep her concentration to use deadly sight.
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Re: Hide and go Seek (Amon/Lillith/Gil)

Postby Amon Fallenstar » Sat Apr 07, 2018 3:36 pm

Gil-ch smashed her in the head when he saw what power she was trying to use, not even with the lightsaber but with the hilt, slamming it viciously into her temple as she tried to headbutt him again, a headbutt in a lightsaber duel when they weren't locked together? What was she thinking? However he knew the power behind that ability, if wasn't called Deadly Sight for no reason and he had no intention of dying here but her intent in this battle was now clear. It was to the death then?

So be it.

He moved so fast that she couldn't get a good lock on him, the ability she was trying to use only good if you remained constantly in their line of sight and as he ran circles around her, he kept appearing in her blind side in his continued attempts to break her guard. His own eyes began to glow as he kept coming - he wasn't going to leave an sliver of a doubt that she was nothing before him, he envisioned the Terentatek he had killed with his ability weeks ago and remembered its tortured cries that had escaped it while it cooked from the inside out helplessly.

She had stopped blocking his attacks, at the same time she attempted her counter and discarded her weapons, someone in his mind this raised a flag but it was drowned by his urge for conflict. It turned out that her skin had some sort of mild resistance to his lightsaber like her tails, he knew that continued contact would eventually sever the limbs from her but lightsabers weren't meant to be used like that in combat - a peeving way of making things just that bit harder. But there were some attacks against which there were no defense, the next time he flicked and reappeared he was directly in her face, both his lightsabers were gone now, disappearing back to his belt between flickers but instead one of his hands now was resting on her chest again - his other stabbing at her eyes with his fingers to blind her; orange light burst fourth from his palm and invaded her body, Force energy flowing unrestricted now as he started to suck away her life force.

"Know your place."
"The presence of a Fallenstar,
If you could convince the Order of their survival,
It would tremble in fear,
The name itself is power."

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Re: Hide and go Seek (Amon/Lillith/Gil)

Postby Venom » Sat Apr 07, 2018 4:51 pm

She felt her life being drained, a feeling one couldn't discribe, but if it was painful she was lucky she couldn't feel it right now, along with his finger that was stabbing into her eye. Another weird feeling, but she needed to get out of here, no point in staying that was for sure but she wasn't the running type. Made her wonder why...perhaps something to do with how they made her. She lacked a lot of things that others had but she couldn't say why for sure.

No cries would come from her, though she did consider bringing pain back just to know how if it was a painful experience. "Curiosity killed that cat as I think they say." She talking to herself, she feeling her caustic blood seeping from her eyes and into his fingers down her cheeks. She wondering if she could get him with that...probably not.

She was not planning on turning on her pain receptors. She could only imagine how much damage she was unable to feel. Probabsly the only reason she could even think as she could feel she was getting more exhausted.

"I do know my place, your new pet hawkbat," She smirked. She didn't have anything going for her but she needed to not be drained away to nothing. Not a seemingly good end for her.

She pulled away, or at least tried to, to get away from from him and whatever he was doing that was sucking the life out of her. She moving to the side to get out of the way of his hand on her chest. Didn't she tell him not to touch a girls chest without asking them on a date or getting then a drink already? Some people never learn. Not that she was any better, she was totally beaten, quite thoroughly.
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Re: Hide and go Seek (Amon/Lillith/Gil)

Postby Amon Fallenstar » Sat Apr 07, 2018 6:24 pm

Feeling warm blood wash over his hands as he damaged her eyes, he felt the power leave her sight as he did so - the Dark Side screamed in victory as its Pall started to envelop the wounded woman again, tendrils of chilling darkness crawling up her legs from where it gathered at his feet; like past moving ivy that sought to cover her completely. He felt more and more of her essence being taken as it became part of him, sucked down into the void like a whirlpool or vortex of power - he didn't even think about how it tasted anymore, how much he took, he wasn't thinking about anything other than the feast.

He heard her words this time, vaguely as if from far away something about a cat and death - she did have cat ears didn't she? He recalled grabbing them when he took her hair in his hand earlier, another thing was her complete lack of response to her injuries. He'd seen people with high tolerances for pain before who normally used the Force to carry themselves past the threshold and keep going when the body should fail, the price for that was heavy the longer you did it however, it didn't prevent damage, just negated the pain.

The Pall of the Dark Side continued up her body, reaching her stomach now as it closed in on where he touched her, the shadow bound her to him even as she struggled to pull away while her strength abandoned her. She claimed she knew her place - she didn't act like it, his eyes glowed red as hers had as he utilized the same ability he had prevented her using. He remembered the subtle burning feeling one got when first fixed with it, knowing that as it continued the sensation increased in intensity and power until the body burned itself up entirely but that wasn't his plan for her.

There it was, deep down in her core the very soul of who she was - he could see it with his waking eyes as he stared down at her as if he was looking through her. It was a hard thing to describe but to him it was like a beacon of the light and power that came from the Force that bound the universe, to take this was to sever ones connection to life itself; but to snuff it out was the greatest high that one could reach, he had felt it before and the mere ghost of the memory was enough to bring the desire forth. It was as he closed in that the most unlikely of mentioned would bring Gil-ch (or whatever it was that wore his skin right now) to falter, a Hawkbat? The image of a reptilian looking bird soaring through the air and then purple lightning rocking the animals body before it exploded into a gory mess at it's extremities. Grief and anger was what had followed next, he had even tried to attack the Emperor himself after watching his pet destroyed - it was a wonder he hadn't been killed too despite how ill tempered and cruel the head of the Lydeck family had been, even claiming that his mortal enemy Vakar Sadarii was worse.

The memory acted as a catalyst for his own retrospect, it was as if he had stepped out of his body and saw the scene before him frozen in time. The Fallenstar stood over his smaller female opponent, vile blackness spreading off him and over her as the orange energy lit up her veins, she had pushed his hand away only to have it close around her neck instead cutting off her air. This wasn't a battle, a spar or a fight - it was an execution. In another place and another time, their positions had been reversed - Gil knew exactly how it all felt, a cold void expanding inside him - nothing escaping its event horizon as it consumed him down to his very identity; then all his feelling had stopped - to be replaced by a unbearable craving like a weight that bore down at all times. Finally he remembered his face, the one who he had sought out in the name of power and power he had found - power that had to die with him. In continuing this, he would find himself faced with ultimate failure; a fact that brought the shadows adoring her to a halt in the place she had shaken his hand from, the only evidence of his second guessing himself.
"The presence of a Fallenstar,
If you could convince the Order of their survival,
It would tremble in fear,
The name itself is power."

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Re: Hide and go Seek (Amon/Lillith/Gil)

Postby Venom » Sat Apr 07, 2018 7:30 pm

She felt the pressure of the darkness move onto her, the coldness...very odd considering with the condition of feeling no pain she could not feel temperature either but she felt this one. It was cold, and it sent a shiver down her spine. She wasn't going to be given the chance to find out, she felt that as she could feel her life slipping away as she wondered if he even felt the pain of her acidic blood on his fingers. He was beyond her, that is for sure if he was anything.

She had to wonder what he was going to do to her, a fate worse than death perhaps? She couldn't say but she felt her life was going to end tonight. Dying in one of her own games wasn't bad she supposed. There were worse ways to go out...maybe.

She felt his hands wrap around her throat, she gripping his wrist if she could. "Yeah...a monster wouldn't have any uses for a pet anyways." She struggled to say, still managing to keep her to tone light despite the situation she was in. Her ears flattened against her head as she probably should express something else but she was very bad with that. Bad habit of brushing herself off.

"I don't suppose...I entertained you enough to not kill me?" She asked, thinking she could do better. If he is a monster, do try to appease to the monsterious side of him. She would need to at least try to beg...but begging was hard. She was raised not to beg but she would actually need to feel more...that was pain.

Pride won't let her live, not that she had any really but she had a little bit. No guarantee it would even apease him at all and dying with a bit of dignity would be nice but really, what did she know? Not like anyone would know or think about her death anyways nor it's quality.

She let the pain back in, feeling the pain of her ribs that had cracked which made it harder to breathe. Her armor going back to being soft skin and could feel the marks forming on her skin where he made solid hits on her as they began to discolor. The coldness of the darkness raking in as with the fatigue that pressed down on her harder. The pain of the loss of her eyes shooting into her skull, a painful gasping escaping her. Her only solace oddly came from the cold tendrils that dampened the heat of the pain. She never felt so weak before, scared even but she could only struggle as the absence of her eyes just made it worse with how she couldn't see what would come.

She considered using the pain as fuel but he would just drain it away. The despair she felt was almost overwhelming but she held on to her consciousness but just barely. "Please..." she begged.
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Re: Hide and go Seek (Amon/Lillith/Gil)

Postby Amon Fallenstar » Sun Apr 08, 2018 1:26 am

It seemed as the reality of how dire the situation was was setting in for his mea- opponent now. Everyone had a breaking point - some just had different levels of tolerance for different things, some people you had to hurt them badly while others you had to hurt the ones they cared about before they'd crack. Facing death and being cast into oblivion wasn't always a strong motivator for people until it had it's hands around your throat.

It was impressive she could still talk as while his pall had stopped advancing over her, the black fog whirling around them like a dark vortex or a storm cloud that had been brought down to ground level; he still accosted her in all the other ways, her airway being constricted as it was and she squeezed air and sound out. The first words that she would not come to regret in their conflict.

Monster? Why was it always that word? Echoing of the past dragged themselves from the depths of his mind, it was always the same - someone, somewhere saw him and wondered how they could have been so blind. It didn't matter how they discovered it or what he said after; he had told them that it hadn't been their fault, that he had tried to keep them blind - they could even choose to remain that way. After seeing him for who he was, stained in blood and death - they never did.

You're just as much as a monster as the rest of them!
Get away from me monster, we're done!

Looking down at the woman, he could see the light leaving her eyes - she didn't have long now. To kill her would be so simple, to let her live now seemed almost cruel, her defenses had failed and she seemed to be resigned to her fate. Just another example of the way someone would process their end, some fought and screamed in the most desperate ways but others elected to believe in some sort of honor. This girl chose to bargain, fitting considering how she had gotten herself into this situation. Her body showed the signs of their battle, apparently the woman bruised quickly, her eyes were a bloody mess where he had punctured them, the warm blood running down her face and back onto the hands around her throat soaking them as his fingers were. It mirrored another battle from a different time, a Jedi friend who had come to convince him to turn away from the Dark Side - he had paid with his life but his last words returned to him now.

"Gil-ch look at what they have done to you. Look at what you have become."

The Sith red left his eyes and they returned to their natural green, his vice like grip still strong as ever over her neck - it as a miracle she hadn't passed out yet. Testament to her will to live, he kept a hold on her as the Force slowly bled into him from her continuously as her connection to life began to fail. The Dark Side demanded he finish her and consume everything she was, she had proven herself a problem and problems should be dealt with - he imagined the ways letting her live would come back to bite him later - it wouldn't be the first time it had happened either. Wasn't that just proof that it wasn't a problem?

The elder Fallenstars grip on her throat shifted slightly before opening entirely, dropping her to the ground as he stopped holding her up. The tendrils covering her body evaporated like it had never been there, dispersing into the shadows around them leaving the pair standing alone in the middle of this park she had taken them to. Gil-ch made no attempt to raise conversation as he gazed down on his defeated opponent, ever since his sparring session with his son - the changes it had wrought in them were clearly more of an issue that he had thought. He'd even been ready to go back on his word.

He stood stoically before the woman as she struggled to cling to her life, he was reminded that her motive had been like his own - desire to know more and acquire knowledge in the pursuit of his goals. "There are somethings that are best left unknown," he told her, he sounded tired and pained - in a way she had achieved her goal in her final moments, the recollections she had prompted were... unpleasant.
"The presence of a Fallenstar,
If you could convince the Order of their survival,
It would tremble in fear,
The name itself is power."

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Re: Hide and go Seek (Amon/Lillith/Gil)

Postby Venom » Sun Apr 08, 2018 2:24 am

She felt her life drawing to the end, or at least near it when he released her neck, too tired and weak to catch herself as she breathed, coughing painfully as her rubs were protesting every breathe she took. She didn't move for a moment as she just focused on breathing, unsure if she was just dying or dead and she just didn't realize it yet. She didn't mind the silence, although she wasn't sure if he had just left her there which would have been fine or if he was just watching her. At least not until she heard his voice, commenting about things being left unknown. Perhaps, but not from where she was standing,..well laying.

She pushed herself up, arms shaking weakly as she shook her head. "Probably, but as I said before...curiosity killed the cat." She coughed, clearing her throat. " If I don't find out I'm pretty sure I'd will drive myself crazy." She said hoarsely, taking a hard swallow as she wasn't sure if she should just give up and lay down for a while or just find a corner to hide in before doing that. She sounding quite beat up but still upbeat about it, if she was holding any hard feelings it didn't show, mainly because she wasn't holding any. She really could not hold hard feelings in general, though the bitter taste of loss she felt...was like eating a sour fruit but she'd get that down if he decided not to put her out of her misery.

"My curiosity is still not sated...I want to know what that was...but I'm at your mercy since I could not hurt you." She smiled tiredly, letting her hair shift over her face and just cover it except for her nose that parted her hair and her mouth. No need to keep her currently non-existing eyes uncovered, would be unsightly anyways. "But if you decide to leave me for dead...do me the favor of giving me my clothes. I dun want the first thing people see if they came here is my sexy naked corpse." She smirked, aiming at humor as if she was trying to make him of all people feel better.

Man I'm sleepy...she thought to herself as she didn't think she was ever in such a state in her life. She wondered how her own body would recover to this, if it even could. She didn't know what those shadowy tendrils were at all and didn't know how they or he worked. "And I suppose you can have my light sabres...don't want some hut...hutt having those. Sentimental value and all." She laid back down feeling very sleepy. "Oh and my last words are going to be...you're still hot." She nodded in tired approval, her body screaming at her to stop moving with how hard he had gripped it. She cleared her throat, removing a lump that was forming there.

She never really realized how dark it was when her eyes were closed until now. Not having eyes made things so strange as someone had to have compared the dark. Like which was darker, eyes closed or having no eyes at all. Sure, there were other ways to see but these were important questions. She couldn't be the first to wonder things like this could she, no way. She smirked at her own things as she shifted, laying on her back. A small groaning escaping her because of her ribs as her head throbbed, her thoughts distracting her from the different pains and negative emotions.
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Re: Hide and go Seek (Amon/Lillith/Gil)

Postby Amon Fallenstar » Sun Apr 08, 2018 5:46 pm

Gil-ch wasted no time in retrieving his smoking pipe from his cloaks, as he took it out he also removed a small packet from another pocket which held small strips of spice that he loaded into the chamber of his pipe making sure to fit as much as he could it there as he pushed in multiple strips - you were supposed to use one at a time. But he'd been told that before, they were more... guidelines than rules to follow.

Venom struggled to push herself up from the floor, her body shook with the effort as coughs and sputters contributed to the shaking as they wracked her battered and bruised body. She spoke, it struck him that she still expected to die - he supposed she could still succumb to her injuries if the conditions were met but something told him that unless he actively tried to finish her, she'd survive - if her tenacity to flirt with him was any measure of her constitution. He was reminded of that Jinx girl from the other group, maybe this women here was also... unstable, it would explain her attitude despite her condition - according to her she was going to end up that way if she didn't get the answers she was being denied. Putting the loaded pipe in his mouth, he took a drag. "I suggest you stop driving then," he told her with an heavily exhale, expelling a cloud of smoke into the night sky. He doubted she'd ever stop but if she was willing to get herself killed, his promise would only hold for this one instance.

"You are always at my mercy," he added shortly - words that sounded like they belonged to his apprentice leaving his mouth when she continued to speak towards the outcome of their fight; he felt the spice taking affect rapid as he felt like his mind was rushing upwards into the shy. She had intended to cause him physical pain - a quest in which she had failed but only in the specifics of the wager. He had never had an intention of taking advantage of the outcome of the bet she had made, poor sport in his mind to cash in on such a heavily favored gamble.

She had used her hair to cover the gory mess that remained of her eyes, something he was thankful for - it grossed him out really, despite everything that he had been subject to in his life excessive amounts of blood were still something he didn't like looking at. He knew some Sith liked to use swords because they felt the opposite way and enjoyed the smell and sight of the crimson liquid as it escaped its vessel - Amon had made friends with one such Sith already it seemed. It didn't help that she was completely naked either, he hadn't paid much attention to it during their combat but now that her skin had returned to its natural state - she was exposed for all to see - though given her condition, between the bruises and blood drying on her face and in her hair, it wasn't a very attractive sight.

"You aren't going to die tonight," he told her after he was finished with her comments, as he spoke he produced his commlink and sent a quick message before returning it to his pocket and smoking some more, "Not by my hand." Gil-ch felt like he should leave, he had no reason to be here anymore unless he was going to finish her - which he wasn't. So remaining in the presence of the beaten female while she was sprawled on the ground bore no consequence but he made no motion to see himself gone - deciding rather to muse over the things that could be done. "I'd try and make your last words more memorable as well."
"The presence of a Fallenstar,
If you could convince the Order of their survival,
It would tremble in fear,
The name itself is power."

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Re: Hide and go Seek (Amon/Lillith/Gil)

Postby Venom » Sun Apr 08, 2018 7:49 pm

"Wise advice, except I just can't stop driving. She smiled guiltily, she would have just stayed where she was and followed orders back at the lab if she could. She couldn't go back to that anyways, even if she wanted to which she did not.

Despite her being so dramatic she could feel the healing process beginning, her body regenerating at it's usual slow pace and she didn't feel the need to rush. His next words not phasing her as she knew that the second she let him see her. Honestly she should have just left but she wanted to know what would come of the encounter. Didn't go well for her but it was good to know for future reference, though it gave her more questions than answers. She just likes knowing things about people usually, they were curious things but he was hard to place. What is he? Is he human of some type or something else? What was that darkness? Was nothing like she had ever seen or experienced as far as she could tell. She wanted to know many things, and if he let her live she'd find a way to stalk him and observe. She was just that persistent and stubborn, even if he did kill her for it. What's life without a little risk to follow your passions anyways? Boring is what it is though that is likely from her semi-suicidal tendencies.

"Appreciate the mercy, really." She sighed, forcing herself up again as her voice sounded genuinely greatful. She grabbed her lightsabres she had dropped before she got to her feet, they rather shaky as she should just stay down but she wanted her clothes. She was not into public nudity, or being naked in front of someone she did not know.

She used her feet to slide side to side to make sure she didn't run into anything like a walking stick. Searching for her clothes until she made contact with them. She rememebering the general direction and moved back to the ground and got dressed, her back facing him.

"Would you remember the last words of a stranger depending on what they said?" She asked, as she doubted any of her words would be worth rememebring, even if it was important. She couldn't manage to hurt him at all, her acidic blood didn't seem to have hurt him and she caused no other pain to him. Why was he still around anyways? He wasn't planning on doing anything with her as far as she could tell. Was he waiting for something?

She got the rest of her clothes on with a bit of struggle and moved her sabres into her vest pockets before just falling flat on the ground. She needed to rest, that was for sure. "So...sure you don't want a new pet hawkbat? Or any others. I make an awesome pet." She smirked knowing full well no one would want her around. Too dangerous but to be fair, he was more dangerous than she ever would be and cannot challenge him. She shouldn't be trying so hard still after what he almost did to her and has done...but here she was still trying.

Worrisome. She'd need a good cry after this.
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Re: Hide and go Seek (Amon/Lillith/Gil)

Postby Amon Fallenstar » Sun Apr 08, 2018 8:55 pm

"Then get out of the vehicle," Gil responded flatly, he had come to the realization that she wasn't going to listen a long time ago - which presented a tad of a issue, he needed her to stop and wasn't in a position to kill her, an ironic thing he'd learned while living within the Sith Empire was keeping your word was paramount; for good or ill, you had to act on what you said without fail. Many other Sith relied on betrayal to get ahead, plotting cloak and dagger to take out those stronger - nobody remembered any of them after they betrayed each other in turns despite what their intentions had originally been.

Ignoring her appreciation, he waited as she found her clothes shuffling painfully around as she re-garbbed herself; why she'd removed them in the first place was beyond him, it wasn't like she had changed into a form that would have torn them due to size or anything like Lilith. Gil-ch noted the irony in her query of words, unaware that it was exactly peoples last words that had tipped the scales of her own destiny only moments ago.

"Depending what they said." he repeated.

As she continued to question his presence with more words, this time pitching herself again; apparently her desire to join his company had survived along with the rest of her. Taking another long hit from his pipe, he looked across the park at her where she now stood clothed his sight enhanced in the low light to allow proper vision. All things considered, she was liable to try and stowaway if he set her away - he could fling her across space time if he traveled somewhere else with her but moving more than himself at this point was risky, to break the laws of nature in such a brazen factor you felt the Dark Sides corruption attempting to claim you with every use. Another example of the Forces will? It was an intriguing concept.

"Come here," he said, beckoning to her to come within reach once more, his gaze steady betraying none of his intentions - the pipe continuing to be puffed on.
"The presence of a Fallenstar,
If you could convince the Order of their survival,
It would tremble in fear,
The name itself is power."

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Re: Hide and go Seek (Amon/Lillith/Gil)

Postby Venom » Sun Apr 08, 2018 10:59 pm

She looked at him over her shoulder, or would have if she had eyes but could only face him really. Her odd look given to him but unseen by her hair as she wondered why he was beckoning her now. Maybe she finally irritated him, and he was calling her to her death...who knows. He did say he wasn't going to kill her unless he was a liar about that. No use in speculating though.

She weakly shuffled back to him quietly, each step painful as she considered making it so she couldn't feel pain again so she could walk normally. The temptation was there but she didn't have the energy to make it happen, at least not right now.

She stopped in front of him after following the same path she had discovered to get to her clothes. Standing straight despite the fact she just wanted to slouch and just fall over. The fatigue gnawing at her muscles along with the ache and pains, his gaze she could feel making her feel a bit anxious. Her heart already beating quickly, she didn't like feeling so nervous...then again who does?
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Re: Hide and go Seek (Amon/Lillith/Gil)

Postby Amon Fallenstar » Mon Apr 09, 2018 1:56 am

She came over without a second thought it seemed or if she was having second thoughts, she was having them while in transit towards him. It wasn't a response that he had expected from her, at least, not this simply. A remark, something about how he had forgotten she couldn't see but then again he supposed she didn't see his mistake given that she had no eyes - he still felt the fool for doing so anyway. The way she moved reminded him of a wounded animal, it was probably the ears, so many of Nepenthes acquaintances had animalistic features and similar abilities - none of them were natural creatures anymore, perhaps they have been changed by the same person?

Did that mean as they gathered around his son and his company that that creator would come looking for his creations, people who did these sorts of things tended to like to retain control of their experiments as a matter of principle. If that was going to be the case, his apprentice would have to learn more and train harder to survive - perhaps he could convince Nepenthe to help given she had any of the abilities her mother did.

In all honesty, he felt responsible for the young woman now and this had been a test of sorts or the first stage of one - now came the second; he presented the pipe to the girl after taking another long drag himself. "Here, for the pain," he said shortly, despite his outward appearance he felt quite out of place trying offer something to someone he had just almost killed, he had been expecting a reaction other than what she gave or maybe he'd spent to much time around Amons attitude. "What's your name?" he asked her as he waited for her to take the item from him and try it, the last hit he took sent a wave of numbness over his body as heat rushed to his head making it feel like the rest of his body was cooling.
"The presence of a Fallenstar,
If you could convince the Order of their survival,
It would tremble in fear,
The name itself is power."

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Amon Fallenstar
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Re: Hide and go Seek (Amon/Lillith/Gil)

Postby Venom » Mon Apr 09, 2018 2:17 am

Her ears perked up when he offered her something for the pain as honestly she'd take anything for it right now...though the possibility of it not being for the pain did cross her mind. She learned to not really trust people but honestly, they didn't trust her in the first place so they did the not trusting for her. So easy that way, so who knows what he would be giving her. Could be poison...but why would he poison her out of all the ways he could have just killed her. That didn't really make sense but at the same time it made perfect sense however, she was at his mercy still and she was going to do whatever he asked her to as that was part of the wager. Sure, he didn't care to actually claim anything for his victory but it's not much of a wager if you didn't have anything to lose.

She moved her hands up, blindly reaching forward and closed them on the side of his wrists, as she reached a tad too far but she was close. Her fingers shifting to the offered object, feeling the pipe and took it from him. Would this really good for pain? She couldn't say but she would do as she is told, rotating the pipe to put it towards her mouth. "Venomous...can call me Venom." She informed as in the back of her mind she hoped him asking her name meant something. She wasn't going to assume however, assumptions were always bad.

She's never done drugs of any kind before, not even pain killers so this would be quite the experience she thought as she hesitantly put the pipe to her lips.

She took a hit, feeling a similar wave of numbness and heat rush to her head as the smoke didn't irritated her throat at first as her head just felt warm. What was this? She looked at the pipe confused, or rather just seemed to look at it confused out of habit but couldn't see the damn thing. Her mind beginning to swim as her throat began to bother her and cough a little bit into the sleeve of her arm warmers and held the pipe away from her and cleared her throat. It was hitting hard in almost no time at all as she tried her best to stop coughing to ask what this was.
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Re: Hide and go Seek (Amon/Lillith/Gil)

Postby Amon Fallenstar » Mon Apr 09, 2018 5:00 am

Gil-ch suppressed a chuckle as she coughed after taking the spice pipe and inhaling it, he waited a moment looking at her face to see the affects hit her. It had always found curious things when they seemed delicate and the way she was behaving now made her absolutely seem that way - he supposed that in a way she was especially now with how close to the edge she had come and still was. She had come forward without any real hesitation, that was good. She had taken the pipe and partaken in it without question, also good. He had once again suspected some form of resistance but found nothing; taking the pipe back from her he waited for a moment.

"One word name, self given then?" he asked, that was the case most of the time and from what he understood about her and those like her - they were escaped from some sort of lab, that much was absolutely clear. Nothing in nature was as strange as they were so it had to be manufactured even if they lightsaber resistant skin hadn't given it away.

He looked up and around them as if surveying the area and night sky, obviously on a planet with a city-scape like this, there was never going to be a chance of seeing a star in the sky with all the pollution, light and otherwise. He noted the feeling of the city and the life running through it, all the threads of fate that tied everyone together in some way or another - it was really quite something to witness if one could strip away the physical world and see underneath. It was hard to believe that something hadn't designed what was going on, but easy to see what people meant when they said the Force had a will of it's own.

"It's okay, I'll find out. You don't have to say anything," he told her, enough time had passed to see the drug take affect on her, the extra powerful dosing of spice for someone who didn't even smoke from the looks of it was too much to handle. He'd been there, she wasn't in any danger it was just something that depressed the mind and nerves - a welcome feeling when the person you lived with was constantly plotting your downfall. He reached out with his hand and gripped her throat one more time, not has hard as he had before but still firm enough to mean business, he didn't say anything either but followed the connections around Venom deeper into her mind, seeking all information she had to hide or a hint of deception.

While the drugging had been intended to make the experience less painful, it also jumbled her mind as the drug took hold of her making it that much harder for the elder Fallenstar to navigate her mind without causing excessive damage or discomfort as images and sounds flashed through his mind from hers as he drained her knowledge.
"The presence of a Fallenstar,
If you could convince the Order of their survival,
It would tremble in fear,
The name itself is power."

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Re: Hide and go Seek (Amon/Lillith/Gil)

Postby Venom » Mon Apr 09, 2018 5:27 pm

She felt her cheeks flush as he waited, feeling a tad dizzy as she just wanted to just sit down for a while but she kept to her feet, happy he took the pipe back so she didn't have to keep from dropping it. "My head feels funny..." She admits, a little before she asks about her one word name. It wasn't a given name...no she wasn't good with names and she didn't know what a normal name would have been at the time but her given name was Yad Nemezdia.

She thought she said that too...but his comment about her not having to say anything meant she thought wrong as she didn't realize she was so dazed. She feeling his hand go to her throat, almost making her flinch. It wasn't as harsh as it was before but she did remember it none the less, her ears flattening against her head. She almost pulled away but she made herself stay and fight off the feeling of wanting to shrink away as he began to invade her mind.

He wasn't allowed there, no one was. She knew how to fight that but she couldn't, the drug doing it's work as she felt a twinge of fear but the high put it away. Her emotions all muddled but her thoughts were oddly clear but far to reach. She could feel him in her head, she didn't like it and wanted to fight him on it but she couldn't. She had things to hide in there that she didn't want him to see, or anyone else but him especially since she couldn't make him forget it.

He could see their corpses, all clawed, broken and mangled scientists of different races, mostly Kaminoans that rose to the surface of her thoughts as she thought about it but it faded away as she tried to figure out what he was searching for. The drug making it hard for her to distract him from her more deeper thoughts. She didn't even try to stop him from what was floating around in her mind otherwise.

He would find her real name easily but he wouldn't find things in regards to deception. She had no plans beyond figuring out who he was, what he could do and what that darkness he holds is. Many questions and many curiosities about him, her flirtations hollow in intent as she didn't believe they would get her anywhere but slight hopes they would one day. That was the most deceptive notion she had, as they were mostly (at least in her mind), honest opinions of him. She also found him terrifying and intimidating but she had no ill will or plans towards him or anyone that he knew.

In fact, all he heard was the sound of a purring cat and an image of a large one sleeping on the foot of his imaginary bed. Even high she seemed to have the exact same goal in mind...being a pet.

"...Can I get a pat on the head when you are done?"
She asked abruptly, as that thought seemed to have come out of nowhere.She didn't even think about it, she just asked.
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Re: Hide and go Seek (Amon/Lillith/Gil)

Postby Amon Fallenstar » Mon Apr 09, 2018 9:55 pm

As Gil-ch searched, it caught the thoughts that across her mind as he entered it. The last time he had used this ability had been years ago and not on a person but rather a Holocron, the difference was obvious as he spent longer than he had imagined trying to get through the torrent of conscious thought to her subconscious beneath. He could feel how she felt about what was happening, perhaps she was trying to resist him in her own way - but her trust in him was working against her here as she failed to construct an effective block to hold him back as the spice did its job.

What he found when he breached her subconscious mind was even more jumbled and messy, he couldn't even tell if it was because of his drugging of her anymore; connections between her memories and emotions tangled together, knotting in complex and difficult ways. If he had tried to take that information from her, he'd have to rip it free and cause irrevocable damage to her mind in the process. He wasn't looking to do that however, instead opting to search the fresher memories as they would pertain to the events he wanted to understand unless she'd planned her game for much longer than she let on.

Probing and pulling on the threads of her psyche he found not only the complete lack of intent for deception as she had claimed but also other less comforting visions of blood and death. Bodies strewn cross the ground as blood soaked into their clothes, skin and surroundings - it was a vicious scene that looked like someone had let a rabid hungry animal loose into a food full of it's favorite food but there was little evidence that anything had been consumed. The image was replaced by another before could think anymore about it, surprised since he had tried to keep a hold on it but it seemed Venom was trying to hide it from him - he felt her distress at his invasion of her miscellaneous recollections.

Another image projected before his minds eyes, a cat? He saw a cat sleeping on a bed, a big cat and a room he didn't recognize but the feeling that Venom seemed to invoke in herself with the projection - if this was intentional then she was to be commended for her mental fortitude; once upon a time Gil-ch had been a man easily broken by such invasions, it appeared she didn't share that trait or had already over come it as he had had too.

Withdrawing from her mind having found what he wanted, satisfied that she was no longer hiding anything from him and if she was she now knew that she couldn't hide from him even inside her own mind. Gil-ch often thought about his own personal way of acting when it came to these things, his desire to know what he wanted to and how he mad dogged the answers until he forced them into the light. Not always the best way of doing things, as he had learned the hard way but it was effective regardless. Venoms trip however wouldn't end there, even as she spoke asking for him to pet her - he looked at her ears and connected the dots between the image of the cat and her previous ability to transform; it would appear that she had penchant for animalistic inclination as Nepenthe seemed too.

Having have withdrawn, he gave her a moment to observe the damage he might have done and give her a moment to compose herself. If she had been sober for that ordeal he was sure he would have to have been more forceful with his interrogation; luckily she seemed to be entirely there still now that it was all over. He looked down at the woman for a long moment, his hand still on her throat as he considered her strange request - her desire for his touch was odd considering her experience with it so far.

However, blind as she was now she couldn't have seen Gil-chs body blur around the edges, but she would have felt the same affect on herself as space and time were torn apart by the Fallenstar - a familiar noticeable tug in his navel region could be felt as the fabric of space time resisted the unnatural manipulation attempting to hold itself together against his will. An instant later they would be standing in the medical bay of his XS Stock Light Freighter, he kept this part of the ship stocked well despite the fact it was almost never used. He had almost expected to see his apprentice here getting himself patched up but there was no sign of Amon or Nepenthe. Having steeled himself for the recoil of his teleportation, the Dark Side seeking to corrupt his body and mind further as he used its power - the more he felt the effects, the more he wondered how Verrin had seemed to calm and collected all the time despite his even more frequent use of the ability.

There was a Kolto tank in the corner of the room and two medical tables, the displays showing various information about all the equipment and the ones occupying it - currently being nobody. It was now that Gil-ch released his hold on her neck, he could see where it had bruised from where he had tried to choke the life from her; he had been attempting to draw an adverse reaction from her after what she had experienced but she appeared to have been cowed by their encounter nearly completely if only for the time being. It was warmer in here than it was outside in the Nar Shaddaa night, most because of all the equipment and lighting - he had considered getting a medical droid for the ship as well but figured that the less there was to tamper with, the better. He found and opened one of the numerous medkits on the ship, inside he found a vial of Kolto with an injector, putting it together while he spoke to Venom, "A pat on the head?" he questioned, moving the hand not holding the syringe to exactly that place - resting between her ears but instead of patting her he shoved the needle into her arm and emptied the contents of the vial into her bloodstream to aid the healing process. As he did so he looked at her gory mess of a face, the blood had dried to a degree in her hair on her her skin; it didn't appear that he had completely destroyed her eyes either as he had assumed wrongly, unless he was missing something else - that being the case he imagined submerging her in the Kolto tank itself would repair the damage considering how it didn't seen as extensive as it had in the darkness and because of the short time frame in which she had sustained the injuries the original tissue shouldn't have begun to decay yet.

Removing both hands from her, disposing of the used syringe he spoke up again - his tone expectant and firm. "Take off your clothes."
"The presence of a Fallenstar,
If you could convince the Order of their survival,
It would tremble in fear,
The name itself is power."

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Re: Hide and go Seek (Amon/Lillith/Gil)

Postby Venom » Mon Apr 09, 2018 11:06 pm

She felt the strange sensation of her body, not sure if it was the drug or something else as the temperature was suddenly different as well as the sounds. They were certainly not outside anymore, where were they? She took a sniff, barely audible as she would have liked to look around but her eyes still needed time to recover. Would take a little bit of time for them but she was patient. She could hear the ambient sound of the room as well as the recognized the scent of the room. Med bays or rather, anything medical related had a particular scent that stuck out to her.

She listened to him move, hearing him mess with objects, trying to place what they were but found it difficult to concentrate with the high. How long did this stuff last? Maybe none of this was real and he was messing with her. She never felt so unlike her self as she does right now between the high and being invaded mentally. Would have been better if he just asked instead but she assumed he got what he was after and was okay with it if he was going to help her with medical treatment.

"Yeah..." She hesitated when he questioned her, unsure of what he was going to do. She didn't like surprises, they were usually bad and she felt it coming but she really couldn't tell.

She felt his hand on her head between her ears, she slightly lowering her head when she felt it, not expecting hm to actually do that. Was he really going to give her a pat. She really liked getting pat--ouch. There was the surprise, feeling the needle get stabbed into her arm as it was the typical medical tactic. Distraction from the needle and injection. She preferred to watch the needle enter her skin personally but with no eyes she couldn't really complain. She could feel the liquid assisting in her regeneration's process. "If you wanted to stick something in me you could have just asked." She commented, rubbing her arms with a slight smirk.

She rubbed her arm when he gave her a command, so pushy. "We just finished round one, you want to go at it again? So dirty..." her tone suggestive this time, this comment adding to her previous joke as she began to undress. She was uncomfortable but she was hiding that fact behind her sarcasm and jokes. She always felt awkward and uncomfortable in unfamiliar places, much like a cat. However, hiding wouldn't be quite appropriate and she wasn't going to make her feelings apparent. She never did before and it wasn't going to change now. Evert bit of her wanted to just be quiet and obey but the very least she could make her smart comments to cheer herself up. Her ears perked up still as she was amusing herself more than anything probably as she quietly chuckled at her own joke and reached for a table or counter to place her clothes on top of. "You are quite hot when merciless on me." She added.
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Re: Hide and go Seek (Amon/Lillith/Gil)

Postby Amon Fallenstar » Mon Apr 09, 2018 11:51 pm

As she did as he commanded Gil-ch moved over the tank itself, it would have to be drained and refilled after the use but luckily to insert someone into this model all you had to do was remove the hatch at the top. It helped that she was still conscious at all otherwise draining it before hand probably would have been easier and would have taken longer; he wasn't a fan of taking longer than needed to get something done - most things at least unless he was enjoying himself.

After preparing the tank he moved back over to the now naked girl, despite her comments he knew that she wasn't comfortable - that much had become clear after feeling her mind. He assumed the jokes were more for her own sanity rather than to make an attempt on his own, electing to ignore them completely outside of a rather exaggerated sigh at her continued attempts.

The door opened.

"Query: Master, I had come to check the disturbance and unknown audio pattern. Have I misread the situation?" The HK unit had arrived, stepping into medical bay. "Statement: I don't believe your son can transfer bodies, that means this is who you left to look for?" it also appeared that Amon had returned to the ship and at least told HK where he had gone if nothing else. He wondered if the boy was far behind the droid when it came to checking what the disturbance was - he wouldn't be surprised especially considering what had just been attempted.

"HK, I don't wipe your memory because the quirks it gives you amuse me. Don't make me change my mind," he told the machine - the truth was he actually felt like he owed the droid, it had saved him from Darth Feralis when his connection to the Jedi had been discovered while he had been pardoned by the Dark Council as a whole including the Emperor. Feralis had found a way to exact his personal revenge, the way Sith did and Gil-ch had barely escaped with his life - his abilities being the key to resisting the Zabraks overwhelming strength but had left him with a brief case of amnesia. "Apology: Of course man, my mistake. But your son does look like a female organic. A girl."

If Gil-ch had been smoking his pipe or drinking something, he would have choked, "T-That's enough HK," he said the amusement in clear in his tone despite his attempts to keep a straight face. He had the same thought from time to time, it really was very long hair and his mothers side was visible clearly on his face even down to his eyes. It was now that he picked Venom up himself as he carried her over to the Kolto tank, moving to her right side before slipping an arm around her shoulders and under her knees to sweep her off the ground and wasted no time in crossing the room and dropping her into the tank after handing her the face mask so she could breathe while submerged. Assessing her wounds, most of them would heal quickly enough once the Kolto worked it's magic, her eyes would be the real time taker - he had no clear idea how long that would take even to just restore the tissue let alone her actual sight, if at all possible like it thought.

"Yes, this is the one who I went to find. She'll be travelling with us for now," he said, despite the fact that Venom was submerged she might be able to overhear them despite the liquid no doubt dampening the world around her. "Did Amon remain on the ship?" he asked the droid, if he was here then the next issue was going to be managing him when he showed up and learned the extent of Venoms identity and the situation. Now that he thought about it, she was going to be in the same sleeping area as his apprentice - how would that work out?

"Confirmation: Yes Master. He and his creature both returned some time ago."

This wasn't an introduction he imagined was going to go smoothly.
"The presence of a Fallenstar,
If you could convince the Order of their survival,
It would tremble in fear,
The name itself is power."

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Re: Hide and go Seek (Amon/Lillith/Gil)

Postby Venom » Tue Apr 10, 2018 12:48 am

Venom's head turned toward towards the unknown voice, able to tell how it spoke clearly that it was a droid of some kind. She a little curious about it but remained quiet. She quietly snickered when it commented on Amon looking like a girl though. She remembered what he looked like, as she could see it but his face did look a bit too masculine to find him feminine. But at the proper angle and lighting...then maybe so.

She heard Gils step approach, feeling him pick her up unexpectedly but she didn't make it difficult. She moving an arm around his neck and hold onto him as he carried her to the kolto tank. She putting the face mask on when given before being dropped into the tank. This would indeed make healing a lot easier and faster for her wounds to heal and regenerate. Faster than he would expect and faster than she had thought she'd have the chance. She'd just need to focus on restoring her sight more than anything since it's the thing she liked the most. Would probably take no longer than a day to get to being as good as new. Not as fast as the Gen'Dai or Talortai that she shared but was better was still better than most other species.

Their words were muffled, but she could hear them. So he did decide to keep her...looks like her persistence had finally paid off. She'd be able to travel with the scary one, at least for now. She wondered how he was going to break the news to them. She partially wanted to ask Gil-ch to not reveal who she is to them but at the same time she was curious as to what he would tell. She debated for a moment before moving her head out of the tank and removing the mask to speak for a moment.

"Just so you are aware, Nepenthe wouldn't be able to identify me. So if you wanted to keep my identify a secret to make it easier, it is an option." She offered, before putting the mask back on and letting her sank down to relax. No matter what he said she'd just stay in the tank and relax and focus on herself. Her eye lids closing as she could feel the sleepiness coming as she felt the most comfortable in a tank ironically full of water. It was like home as she could hear the music now playing in her minds memory as she drifted to sleep faster than Gil-ch could move.
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