Adira - Nar Shaddaa spawn

Along with the Nar Shaddaa, the Smuggler's Moon, this is the home of the Hutt species, and a den of scum and villainy like no other.

Adira - Nar Shaddaa spawn

Postby Adira » Mon Mar 12, 2018 9:23 pm


Adira woke up and made her way to her datapad, the red haired young human pushing a strand of hair behind her ear as she cursed in Tatooine dialecte. Yes, she had always heard her mother rant about how it sounded vulgar and try to make her drop it. Adira had always retorted, rightfully so, that if Mother hated it, she did not have to employ it when she spoke, but did not have to ruins others' fun. Adira often had an unwlling, but very real little amused smirk as Maureen got angry at her and tried to spank her at such times when her daughter acted so rudely. Such lack of restraint from the older one.

Nowadays, Adira, was a grown up now, about 25 or 30 now; though who would ever dare ask a girl her age? She was a pretty red head, and rarely ever had such considerations as to what was the best accent.

On her average day, she spoke some coarse Nar Shaddian dialect, one that could mark as belonging to the lowest skirts of the local mafias, but the girl could speak about 50 languages, without the aid of any neural implant, was able to hand write and program computer languages, and had passed easily the librarian test her mother had fled through the whole galaxy and (so she assumed, but Maureen had never accepted to comment on the accusation) failed. However, Adira had an air of innocence and noble features that made her rise above what she seemed to be, even if playing liquor pong was her fave relaxing gig. It would be stupid not to play on that asset, her apparent innocence. She softly smiled at her own reflection after she tried some outfits, opting for some basic cargo pants and tight white T-shirt; it suited her well.

She moved to get some 4-d printed biscuit from her kitchen and munched on it as she sat back in front of the data pad, letting it run her mission for the day. The red head laughed as she heard the main of it involved pirating a bank terminal to give enough money to allow some crack whore drug baron to go vacation on a paradise island planet away on the third quardrant. Whatever those rich fucks who were able to rent her services mattered not. The red headed girl shouted a few orders to her datapad and grinned as she saw the results, once computed, displayed in front of her. She shook her head, "Illo, you fucker, you gonna get that surprise...", and seeing how she seemed content with herself, that Illo might be best advised to flee the damned planet to safety.

Adira moved to her room to get two guns that she tied to her belt, and a vibroblad she tied on her back, still in its sheat, then she strode out of her small, lower class flat and into the busy perma-night of the Nar Shaddaa district she had lived in since her childhood. The girl was high enough in the gang's hierarchy that she could ignore the secondary paths designed to help conceal the boss's, a Mandalorian going around by the name of Rothram, location, so she made a beeline to find him.
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Re: Adira - Nar Shaddaa spawn

Postby Amon Fallenstar » Mon Mar 12, 2018 11:54 pm

Nar Shaddaa.

Gil-ch had been to the Smugglers Moon more times than he cared to admit, he hadn't always been a fan of the planet especially in his first visits. It was basically a dirty Coruscant, if Coruscant was also basically one large red light district. However as the years had passed and he had come to frequent the cartel controlled space, the place had grown on him and now it almost felt like home. He'd come here for more than a few reasons, the main one being that it was a good place to lay low, the life and crowds made it perfect to lose oneself in more than one respect; depending who you were it was easier and maybe even a little more fun.

He'd last seen his son on the ship, it seemed the tension between them had only increased since their training. If that was even possible. Either way he had left an informational on Amons datapad and this Nepenthe was another stray that the group had picked up, one that had taken a shine to his apprentice. An interesting development for sure, he'd look forward to watching it with great interest.

The first order of business he had needed to take care of was that make sure he got himself some more spice, he had found a good number of connections through a previous apprentice he had ended up taking during his second stint with the Jedi. Although, as some wise person had once said, history would repeat if you didn't pay attention and the Fallenstar had once again found himself cast out of the Order. At least it had been on his own terms this time he supposed, if that's what it could be called. After that Gil had taken a walk, following old paths into new streets and quite frankly impressed that so much new construction could be fit into an already packed space. How did they plan it all?

Finally returning to himself, his mind drifting as he snaked his way thought the streets of the Smugglers Moon, the buzz of activity surrounding him as if it was thick in the air itself. The scent in the air was ripe with everything that came with the struggles life entailed, the oil of the metal machines that powered everything around them, sweat of the eight five billion people and blood of a probably more than that. Such was life in Hutt controlled space, their way of running things generally ended with violence, he'd even passed a few Cartel 'sponsored' beat downs in some alleys as he had walked. However he now came to stop, becoming aware that he had gotten a little too lost in thought; looking around at his surroundings and where his feet had carried him.

"Yup," he sighed looking around and digging in his pocket for his datapad, resigned to his situation, "I'm lost. Fuck." he started to pull up a map; luckily, he had gotten lost on this planet before and since made a point of making sure that he always had some form of directional tool with him. It was then that he saw something that he didn't expect on the screen displayed before him. A library? He rubbed the screen and looked again. Now that was not something he expected to find on a planet like this, at least not outside of a school or whatever passed for one here. He pinged it and sent it out to his apprentice as well, he'd likely ignore it but if he was as committed to his own ideals as he claimed, the boy would at least give it the time of day.
"The presence of a Fallenstar,
If you could convince the Order of their survival,
It would tremble in fear,
The name itself is power."

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Re: Adira - Nar Shaddaa spawn

Postby Carlitz » Tue Mar 13, 2018 6:41 pm

A pile of books sat angrily in front of the library. Carlitz, commonly known as Carl, had been sleeping peacefully on a bookshelf in the shape of a large encyclopedia volume. It worked well enough for an overnight stay. He didn't really have anywhere else to go, and besides he still had to figure out how the galaxy worked outside of the ship he'd been confined in for the past hundred years or so.

But a gentleman had rather rudely interrupted his slumber, trying to pull one book from the Carlpedia set and finding they were stuck together. It wasn't his fault, looking back, but Carl had sprouted several dozen wooden legs and crawled off in a huff. The library patron had screamed so loud that the shapeshifter was a little embarrassed to actually go back.

Well that was one lesson learned. Library patrons don't like to see bookapedes. "Why not?" was the question. They liked books. Finding one or several alive should be delightful surprise. In theory anyhow.

And so anger turned to remorse as Carl the peglegged encyclopedia volume stood outside, looking in the glass and wondering where his next meal would come from. It didn't immediately occur to him to shift into a more socially acceptable form. His thoughts were too busy with the potential loss of his new home.
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Re: Adira - Nar Shaddaa spawn

Postby Lillith Sentry » Tue Mar 13, 2018 8:04 pm

Lillith was meditating on the roof of the red headed girls flat, a habit formed out of bordom. She doing this every day for the past few months or was it years? She couldn't tell anymore as most days it all blurred together but it was to keep her alive.

Call her overprotective, overbearing or overworked but no one could say she didn't get the job done. She has been watching her since she was 13 years old, and wouldn't stop until she was in a safer position. Either in this city or off world, wichever happened first.

She opened her eyes when she heard those familiar steps walking out of the building and to the street. Watching where she was going before she headed down and ran through varying short cuts to catch up. She had memorized the routes Adira takes and the people who were out at the time each night snd day. Extensive background checks on her neighbors and 'friends' and 'allies' even. She left nothing to chance and would note any new commer that went within a 50 feet of her charge that so much as looked at her.

She rounded a corner, catching a glimpse of red before it went out of view. She moving forward and turning into an ally, jumping over a fence and to the other side and pressed her back to the wall and peered past and over her shoulder, noting her target come into view.

Lillith placed her hands in her leather jacket pocket, feeling the light saber there and placed her hand on her hip where her vibrosword rested. She always checking to be sure they didn't fall, either out of habit to confirm their presence. Weapons were her comfort especially here. Never know what could happen or who could pop up, so she always kept her presence hidden when she watched.
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Re: Adira - Nar Shaddaa spawn

Postby Adira » Wed Mar 14, 2018 4:12 am

Adira had given a small wave in the roof's direction as she headed out of her shabby little house to rush to her work place: She knew that Lilith was up there, meditating and protecting her. Since the helmet woman wasn't in sight and she just assumed her presence there, Adira didn't know that the woman in fact, had left and was checking something out.

Smiling, she raced towards the library as her shift was starting in only a few minutes. It was going to be a great day, as always. She was so lucky the Foundation had decided to open a very large library on the smugglers planet, rather than having to move to Coruscant or another appropriate planet. It held dozens of thousands of real books, not just data-terminals giving access to all the numerized versions. The books were mostly all antiquities because no one used printed things anymore but they had been preserved and would possibly still last thousands of years. There was something that she loved about both forms of books, the physical and digital ones. In that, she diverged from her mother. Maureen had never seen the point in paper.

Call Adira weird, but the Nar Shaddaa native had always loved the crowds and furor of the corrupted drug warlords, and when she had to live on Coruscant two years for her librarian training, she had disliked it.

Grinning, the young woman was about to enter through the massive library front door but stopped in her trails, extremely surprised by the sight of the ...books formed creature. It seemed like a real life form, not just the odd oniric statue of books it had appeared to be at first. How was that possible? She stared at it in fascination a few seconds. " everything alright? Want to go talk with your friends inside?" she eventually asked: the book-life-form seemed to experiment some strong emotions.
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Re: Adira - Nar Shaddaa spawn

Postby Amon Fallenstar » Wed Mar 14, 2018 5:11 am

Now he had a destination in mind, it didn't take long for Gils long strides to carry him across the distance between where he checked his map and this library; that he wasn't entirely sure existed still, he'd have to see it to believe it. He puffed on his pipe as he walked, the idea of being worried about smoking spice in public here of all places was absurd. His doubt of the facilities existence was shortly put to rest as he rounded a corner to see a sizable building, not at all what he had expected. There had to be a story here.

He didn't get much further than the door before something... What had he walked in on? He looked at his pipe and then to the... book monster and back before taking another long drag and stowing it.

Gil-ch really had the worst luck with these sorts of thing, it hadn't been a week since his encounter with Nepenthe in the kitchen at the Ilum facility. He doubted that his luck with friendly monsters of the chance encounter variety would go two for two, however the situation was far from dire from what he could tell, at least for now. Before him there was a girl with shockingly red hair, who had also noticed the buildings local wildlife and instead of reacting in some sort of adverse fashion; seemed to be enjoying it visually. Even engaging it or at least attempting too.

"I could've sworn I was heading out of the rabbit hole..." he muttered, looking back at his datapad and giving it some percussive maintenance just to be sure it was still working properly.
"The presence of a Fallenstar,
If you could convince the Order of their survival,
It would tremble in fear,
The name itself is power."

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Re: Adira - Nar Shaddaa spawn

Postby Carlitz » Wed Mar 21, 2018 4:30 am

Carlitz turned to face the kindly woman, or rather, the pile of books turned and sat upright on its back legs, leaning so that the cover of the topmost book pointed to her. A blonde man's face was illustrated, in bas relief, on the cover. It was this figure that blinked, surprised that anyone had noticed his plight, and then smoothed back his hair and cleared his throat. "Hello!" The peg-legs on the right side waved in greeting, and his voice was a little too quiet. "Umm... well, no, really. Ha ha, umm..." He tapped his pegs together nervously, looking away. "I... I don't think I was supposed to stay in there. You see, umm... I came from a ship and... well, I thought there would be adventures out here, but so far people just scream and there's no food." He consciously stopped fidgeting and tried to maintain polite eye contact. "I mean I have no friends. If... if I could make some friends, I'd like that. Don't get me wrong. My name..." He extended one stubby leg forward as though to shake before realizing how ridiculous the gesture was in context and withdrawing, discouraged. "Is Carlitz. Everyone just calls me Carl. Well, they umm... did. Before they... stopped. You seem nice. Umm... do you want me to be something other than books? I thought I'd fit in like that at the library but... I guess that's against the rules." He slumped against the glass and sighed, letting himself slide down. "I can't figure them out."

He looked up in time to notice the man with the pipe, not catching the entirety of his mutter. "A... rabbit?" he said slowly, still a little discouraged. "I've never seen one, but I can look like that." Already the little image on the book had sprouted bunny ears in preparation for a larger change. "Is... that what they want here?" He looked back to the friendly girl for approval, suddenly realizing he'd forgotten to ask her name.
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Re: Adira - Nar Shaddaa spawn

Postby Lillith Sentry » Sun Mar 25, 2018 1:49 am

She watched Adira speak to the book monster with slight irritation. If she told her once, she told her a thiudand times not to talk to strangers. Especially since people were after her wanting to kill her.

She sighed, calming down not letting her irritation take over. 'This is fine..' she thought to herself. 'She is just talking to a book monster and another person is there watching....this is fine...He isn't a threat at all.'

She continued to watch from the distance.
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