Adira woke up and made her way to her datapad, the red haired young human pushing a strand of hair behind her ear as she cursed in Tatooine dialecte. Yes, she had always heard her mother rant about how it sounded vulgar and try to make her drop it. Adira had always retorted, rightfully so, that if Mother hated it, she did not have to employ it when she spoke, but did not have to ruins others' fun. Adira often had an unwlling, but very real little amused smirk as Maureen got angry at her and tried to spank her at such times when her daughter acted so rudely. Such lack of restraint from the older one.
Nowadays, Adira, was a grown up now, about 25 or 30 now; though who would ever dare ask a girl her age? She was a pretty red head, and rarely ever had such considerations as to what was the best accent.
On her average day, she spoke some coarse Nar Shaddian dialect, one that could mark as belonging to the lowest skirts of the local mafias, but the girl could speak about 50 languages, without the aid of any neural implant, was able to hand write and program computer languages, and had passed easily the librarian test her mother had fled through the whole galaxy and (so she assumed, but Maureen had never accepted to comment on the accusation) failed. However, Adira had an air of innocence and noble features that made her rise above what she seemed to be, even if playing liquor pong was her fave relaxing gig. It would be stupid not to play on that asset, her apparent innocence. She softly smiled at her own reflection after she tried some outfits, opting for some basic cargo pants and tight white T-shirt; it suited her well.
She moved to get some 4-d printed biscuit from her kitchen and munched on it as she sat back in front of the data pad, letting it run her mission for the day. The red head laughed as she heard the main of it involved pirating a bank terminal to give enough money to allow some crack whore drug baron to go vacation on a paradise island planet away on the third quardrant. Whatever those rich fucks who were able to rent her services did...it mattered not. The red headed girl shouted a few orders to her datapad and grinned as she saw the results, once computed, displayed in front of her. She shook her head, "Illo, you fucker, you gonna get that surprise...", and seeing how she seemed content with herself, that Illo might be best advised to flee the damned planet to safety.
Adira moved to her room to get two guns that she tied to her belt, and a vibroblad she tied on her back, still in its sheat, then she strode out of her small, lower class flat and into the busy perma-night of the Nar Shaddaa district she had lived in since her childhood. The girl was high enough in the gang's hierarchy that she could ignore the secondary paths designed to help conceal the boss's, a Mandalorian going around by the name of Rothram, location, so she made a beeline to find him.