The Icy Cold Hand of Death

Along with the Nar Shaddaa, the Smuggler's Moon, this is the home of the Hutt species, and a den of scum and villainy like no other.

The Icy Cold Hand of Death

Postby Imerus DeWaltz » Wed Nov 28, 2018 4:43 am


Within the expansive void of space exist a diverse number of planets. And Nar Shaddaa ranked among them as particularly divisive among the galaxy’s inhabitants. Some decried it as as a festering pit, fully corrupted by all nature of vice imaginable. Others claim you get used to the people and foul smell after a week or two. Whatever the case, the Smuggler’s Moon proved to be Imerus’ next destination.

The vessel dropped out of hyperspace with a soft jolt, the ecumenopolis well in sight. Such was the location the tracker on the escape pod had indicated. Seeing the scattering of city lights below as their descent into the atmosphere began was a relative relief after visiting Ilum, Imecka, and Nogatan. At least the residents here were more interested in divorcing visitors from their credits than their lives. Common greed was more tolerable than recent events.

However, as he sat at the controls, Imerus couldn’t help but feel he had forgotten something. Isabel and Amon had remained back at the treatment facility for the man’s various injuries. Yet, there was certainly something, itching at the edge of his mind.
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Re: The Icy Cold Hand of Death

Postby Gil Fallenstar » Wed Nov 28, 2018 5:02 am

Gil was lacking concern over his son and his condition, in truth he was surprised that the young Sith had gotten as messed up as he had but he also knew that Vorn himself hadn't been unscathed either. He wondered if the boy had held back on the other man, as to not cause problems and get them in trouble with their rescuers; then again that wasn't likely given his temper.

However now that it was all over, they had come to the Smugglers Moon, a Hutt run planet that reeked of crime, corruption and vibrant life. So teeming was the moon with all forms of life so densely packed into the cityscape that through the Force it looked like one giant glowing ball where one could barely make out the individual connections and only if they really tried. Which he was not.

The ship was now mostly deserted as Vorn had left far earlier, Amon had been taken to a medical facility to get a deeper healing done and the Lydeck girl was also MIA. She seemed very interested in his apprentice and wondered if that was where she had gone, for what purpose? Time would no doubt tell. It always did.

There was one other on the ship still, the doppleganger of his off spring, Gil found himself thirsting for the Light Side energy the mans aura seemed to indicate but he had spent years with the Jedi and was more than able to keep his impulse hidden. What was his relation to everyone else here anyway and why did he look so similar to Amon and by extension even himself to a degree. Finding him in the cockpit, sitting at the controls as if he was lost in thought, "Credit for your thoughts?" he asked.
"It was as if he lived in the far past while grieving over a distant future."

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Re: The Icy Cold Hand of Death

Postby Imerus DeWaltz » Fri Nov 30, 2018 6:42 am

Perhaps he just needed to pick up more supplies. Or maybe he had left the oven on. After all, he didn’t use it often, and the cake made for the-, “Sweet suns of Sejenu!” Imerus cried out in surprise as he noticed the other man was present. His hands shifted on the controls, causing the ship to jostle with turbulence before he righted it.

Please, don’t sneak up on me.” He said, catching his breath from the initial shock. “I forgot you were here, ah…” His expression remained confused as he glanced over before looking back at the approaching skyline. “My newfound friend. But certainly this is a fortuitous fate we find ourselves in, no? You and me, me and you. Not the worst team for this mission.

Feeling confident he had sufficiently covered his prior outburst, as well as having forgotten Gil’s name, Imerus gestured vaguely at the skyline. “What do you think of all this busy business, anyhow? I’m curious what cruel and convoluted compulsion your mind must be seeking. Given your trade, what wish you design for Amon or, more importantly, my escape pod?
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Re: The Icy Cold Hand of Death

Postby Gil Fallenstar » Fri Nov 30, 2018 10:15 am

Gil had to suppress an amused expression at the mans reaction, he had been told he often moved... quietly despite his lack on intent to do so but he didn't think much of it since it could be more helpful than not. "Apologies," the older Dark Sider responded, "I suppose not, It's been a long time since I've had any sort of mission. Well, as long as you don't classify the time on Nogatan as one, generally they don't last that long. I'd have called that more of an... ordeal," he agreed, "Gratitude for the lift again, of course."

Unable to help himself at the continued verbally expressed distrust the man offered him, he chuckled slightly at his question, the man was clearly well versed in the way that those of his alignment were predisposed to act. "The three of them certainly seem to have a bit of a relationship don't they?" Gil agreed, "Honestly I don't see why they just don't fuck each other, one big fuck pile," his tone was one that it made it impossible to tell if he was kidding as he mashed his palms together in illustration but deep down he did know that sometimes that sort of.. openness solved things but he doubted that it would in this case but the fallout would have been exquisite to see if what had already happened was anything to go by.

"But since you're asking, I was going to try get everyone into each other and then make off with your escape pod. I mean it has a hyperdrive, how much did that even cost?" he asked, this time he wasn't nearly as difficult to read in his level of seriousness, "Though on this planet, I'd imagine it's already been stripped for parts. So I guess I'll just have to settle for refilling my stash and stopping by my place, never know when you're going to have to run down some criminal who thought robbing you was a good idea right?"

"Though I do admit on the subject of my son, there is a fair bit to wonder about that now that we've all met," he added, pointing at the obvious similarities in Amon and Imerus's appearance and by extension, some features that Gil had shared with Amon also applied to Imerus. "Though it is a question in itself as to way someone of your own persuasion is traveling with and even picking up other... darker influences. Don't you think?"
"It was as if he lived in the far past while grieving over a distant future."

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Re: The Icy Cold Hand of Death

Postby Imerus DeWaltz » Mon Dec 03, 2018 4:51 am

Imerus hummed in response, considering the matter with vague humor. “We haven’t see an orgy because they aren't very fond of voyeurs, of course. Keep at it and I’m sure such suspicions will be satisfied.” Though, in spite of the joke, his brow furrowed in thought. There was little doubt the tension between the three had reached an untenable tenor.

I know quite well what you mean, given we’re here tracking down goods taken from me.” A touch of exasperation came to his tone at that, though more forced in some respects than genuine. But he moved on to the next topic easily enough. "People tend to resent if you berate them or show anger, unless one seeks to end their life. The most mercurial form of metamorphosis is, in my mind, to show mindfulness. Isabel suggested perhaps the pair of you might profit from a bit of patience."
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Re: The Icy Cold Hand of Death

Postby Gil Fallenstar » Mon Dec 03, 2018 9:06 am

"People do tend to view three and a party," Gil agreed on the idea of the orgy, he had been mashing his fingers together to illustrate the pile he had described as if it needed a visual but he stopped shortly after the subject changed. "Though stranger things have happened, apparently things have already gone rather off the rails," suppressing a smile at the thought knowing his own hand in it himself.

It was highly entertaining. Exactly what he hoped though not as expected.

"Well I suppose if someone has taken it we can just take it back..." he mused with a mindful eye on Imerus to gauge what he might think of such an idea or assume he meant. "Though most people also need a thicker skin, as you say, it's not like you're trying to kill them. Well, at the time I suppose, it generally doesn't get better from there in my experience at least but I've never been good with... people."

Relocating his gaze to the out the window at the Smugglers Moon before them, "So kill them with kindness is the play, maybe you'll have more success than I did. I'd wager better chances anyway. If you need a place to put down there's a free pad here," he listed a location and indicated where he was talking about. A removed spot that he used personally for his own ship that was... currently dead in space above Nogatan or at least until HK got it back here; it hadn't actually belonged to him even now but the Fallenstar was using it as a favor to the owner for faking his death for the reward on his head rather than actually claiming it.

Something they didn't know was he had put out the bounty and send his own droid to 'negotiate' the lease on the lander, so they would be non the wiser he continued to rent and run a business from the physical address present there as well. "Or you can deal with the customs at the spaceport, you see the type to do things... the legal way."
"It was as if he lived in the far past while grieving over a distant future."

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Re: The Icy Cold Hand of Death

Postby Imerus DeWaltz » Mon Dec 10, 2018 12:24 am

"Oh, killing someone with anger is a perfect enough plan, if one wants to kill. But generally it isn't in my interests to desire death." He shrugged at the thought while still guiding the ship. "But I wonder why you would propose I'm the sort of person that likes legality. People are flawed. Law is a creation of people. Therefor, law suffers the same circumstances as anything else. Please do point out your port."
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Re: The Icy Cold Hand of Death

Postby Gil Fallenstar » Tue Dec 11, 2018 12:46 am

"Over there," Gil said indicating the direction he should bring the ship in, he mulled over his reply to the rest of the questions he had been presented. The man had a point, it was a bit of a stereotypes but then again, they were stereotypes for a reason after all. The comment about his own interests not being about death told him that either the man wasn't a warrior or he was just playing it close to the chest.

"So you pick and choose what and when to follow it," he concluded, it made sense and seemed to be more of the case for the other two who had picked them up. It wouldn't be a surprise if he shared their mindset if only to a point.
"It was as if he lived in the far past while grieving over a distant future."

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Re: The Icy Cold Hand of Death

Postby Imerus DeWaltz » Wed Dec 12, 2018 11:10 pm

Imerus continued to guide the ship forward, flying slow but steady as he kept an eye out for issues. Aware that safety was not guaranteed in spite of Gil’s assistance. Soon nearing the anticipated location. “Everyone chooses what to follow and when. We all must decided, depending on our determination, a due course. Why one acts is what matters.” He emphasized with a raised finger. “Why do you follow the Dark Side? I ask for the sake of example, of course.
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Re: The Icy Cold Hand of Death

Postby Gil Fallenstar » Thu Dec 13, 2018 3:55 am

The ship came in for its landing, the buildings around them were closer together than was comfortable but passable as long as you were careful about it or an ace pilot or a droid. It was a large part of the reason he had been so set on this location, anyone arriving despite his knowledge would have a really hard time.

The skyscrapers on either side were made of grey duristeel and had about as many windows as you'd expect from the Smugglers Moon which meant most were at the time rather than further down where all you could see was pipes and steam. The city itself however was always lit up and therefore the light that it provided from that 'city glow' was more than intense enough to be able to see clearly in almost all places on the planet aside from the depths.

Why someone would go there was beyond him though, the landing pad came into view on top of a building with blue neon lights, the line into it made it clear that the place was a night club of some sort. He supposed they were just called clubs here since they were open 24/7 just like all the others such was the nature of the populace and their demand for vices.

Redirecting his attention to Imerus now that all was left to do was touch down he said, "Do you mean why I follow it now, or originally? The former is far easier to explain. I can't use anything else, even the Force will make you pick sides eventually."
"It was as if he lived in the far past while grieving over a distant future."

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Gil Fallenstar
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