Precious Illusions

Home of the illustrious Clan Lydeck, this tropical paradise is ruled under the benevolent dictatorship of Brahlis Lydeck himself.

Re: Precious Illusions

Postby Xanathe Sadarii » Sat May 19, 2018 5:21 am

At last, Xanathe was given what her soul thirsted for so deeply, and she sighed against Iskrin's mouth. His passionate kiss felt like home, and despite her manners screaming at her in the back of her mind to knock it off in front of his mom and dad, she couldn't stop herself from returning his affection in kind. Reeling and momentarily unable to remember her own awkwardness, the First Born Sadarii lifted from the ground with him, absorbing deeply the texture of his fingers interlaced with hers.

The drop in her stomach that came with launching from the ground snapped her remembrance to the fore once again. When they landed on the other side she slid on her heels a bid over the glossy rubble, windmilling her free arm to help her keep her balance. Almost panicked with anxiety over first impressions she fought to right herself, and when she did, she took a position behind Iskrin's shoulder. He would perhaps note the speed with which her grip tightened. Social interactions still had not been a forte of hers, and here she was, feet in the flames of having to be social with the Emperor and Empress of Imecka... who were also her boyfriend's parents.

What was she supposed to say? The tile passed underfoot so fast. What if they actually disliked her, what if she said something weird? She didn't want to accidentally be rude. Awkwardness in this situation, was just as much a hurdle as the precision of her combat skills. Before she could come to a conclusion on what her words would even be, she found herself standing there, almost within arms reach of the ones who had known her parents just as well as Drackonis had, all the legends her mother told included. Needless to say, Xanathe was still feeling rather small.

The Sadarii daughter felt the ability to speak casually ball up like a rock in her throat, leaving her waving stiffly before cautiously combing her raven hair behind her ear in a poorly timed effort to look presentable. Her stomach was rolling about, as her internal dialogue proceeded with screeching in terror.
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Re: Precious Illusions

Postby Tessian Lydeck » Sun May 20, 2018 3:45 am


The co-ruler of Imecka awoke as though she'd only been blinking. While her sudden naps made her miss chunks of surrounding events, she always had plenty of context clues to get herself back up to speed. Iskrin was in front of her, bringing Xanathe along. She was next to her husband, there was still the scent of explosives in the air, and guards were hauling the surving councilmen off for medical treatment. Brahlis had asked her a question before she'd gone out.

Her eyes went from her son to Xanathe. For a moment she said nothing, arms still folded. Then she held up a single finger, as though to say "one moment."

The strength and speed she'd shown in battle suddenly came to the fore again. All at once she had closed the distance. She hugged her son under his ribcage, bending backwards to lift his feet off the ground in an impressive bear hug. "I'm so happy you're safe!" she cooed, eyes closed and cheek pressed into him like a child with a stuffed toy, "If they'd told me Drackonis was there, of all the idiot snakes who could've shown up, I would've..."

Her eyes opened and again settled on Xanathe. She set her boy down and cleared her throat, stepping a yard back and respectfully regarding the young Sadarii. "Well, pleasant talk for pleasant company." She smiled, then looked back to Brahlis.
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Re: Precious Illusions

Postby Iskrin Lydeck » Tue May 22, 2018 3:23 am

At once all the air left his lungs under the intensity of his mother's bear up. The former Warlord, showcasing the remarkable strength she possessed, lifted the broad prince off the ground like he was nothing in her embrace. Iskrin remained composed despite the intensity of the hug, but he couldn't help but smile broadly as he took in a deep breath. He was sure that no matter how old he'd get that his mother's hugs would never get old. Affection had always been abundant among the family, and the stark contrast among the Sadariis and their parents wasn't lost on Iskrin.

"Mother ..." Iskrin gave a half hearted protest at the stereotypical embarrassment he felt he was required to feel, but it was short lived as she set him down. The prince ran his hands along his cloak, readjusting it and making it neat once more, before he presented Xanathe to his beloved mom. His right hand upon the small of her back, Iskrin gave a sweeping motion with his left hand from one woman to the other. "I'm sure you know, but this is Xanathe. Daughter of Vakar and Zeerah Sadarii." There was a reassuring squeeze to her back.

Ever so slightly to their side stood Brahlis, who was actually turned around. He was surveying the damage from the attack, an unseen scowl on his face as he internally lamented the destruction of one of his favorite buildings. It had been designed in the style his grandfather had been keen on, which reconstructed a historical building destroyed in the former Great War. With a rub of his beard, the former Emperor turned around to face his son and their guest, his arm finding the back of his wife.

"Well, she's already won me over." Brahlis replied, "A little rough on stained glass windows ..." His eyes momentary glanced towards the shattered grand window that the Sadarii firstborn had made her grand entrance through. "... but a remarkable warrior. Your assistance in this ... unpleasantness was delightful beyond measure. I'm getting too old for such things, after all."
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Re: Precious Illusions

Postby Xanathe Sadarii » Tue May 22, 2018 4:27 am

Before Xanathe was able to become to absorbed in her own self doubt, she had to make a bit of room for Iskrin and his mother as she quite literally lifted him from the floor in a great big hug. The first born felt a certain endeared embarrassment for him as she watched, allowing a small smile to pass her lips. There was still too the twinge of regret that passed, deep down, of what she lacked. And yet the sincerity of it all, the grace, love and warmth that filtered into her senses was enough to ease the pang in her chest, making it like a playful pinch rather than a vicious stabbing agony.

Once more she felt awkwardness come forward again while in the same moment Iskrin's touch urged her to ignore it. She gave a small bow of her head at the introduction to the one her mother had referred to a Warlord. The comment ended abruptly regarding Drackonis was saved for later rumination in the back of the Sadarii girl's mind.

" I appreciate that, but I feel as though 'pleasant' isn't exactly fitting..." With a regretful glance at Iskrin, she fell awkwardly upon what to call Belhom for a moment, thinking quickly back on childhood tales, " my lady." Oh, that was awkward in the jaw causing her expression to twinge slightly as she continued, " I don't think my having a panic attack in your study would qualify as pleasant, would it? I was more of a..." The talking had no end in sight, since she was making it up as she went along," upheaval?" Just then the First Born Sadarii realized the great Brahlis Lydeck was looking at her, right as she opened her mouth to say something further. For a moment she froze, slack jawed, the words she'd been planning to say completely forgotten. After a few long, silent seconds she cleared her throat, standing straight as she hoped to clarify her honest remorse from before.

" I... am truly sorry for the window... I..." Belatedly, she realized that she had in fact helped, and the sincerity she felt flooded forward in er entire expression " am glad I was able to help." Still somewhat bashfully she smiled, not really knowing how to accept such compliments from someone so espoused in her memory.
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Re: Precious Illusions

Postby Tessian Lydeck » Thu May 24, 2018 3:41 am

Tessian nodded gently at the mention of Xanathe's name and legacy, scarlet eyes alight with benevolent interest. She wasn't sure about the "remarkable warrior" bit, replaying in her mind how the girl had stumbled with the lit lightsaber, but there was something of her sometime-friend Zeerah in the young woman's presence and movements. She had no doubt the girl would grow into a similarly graceful fighter one day, even if now she was as a caterpillar.

At the mention of not being pleasant, the former warlord threw her head back in a roar of laughter. "You're pleasant to us," she said, extending her arms and taking a step forward as though for a hug. She stopped short, however, leaving the bear hug a mere threat. "And that's what matters. You did pretty good for someone dragged along a thread through spacetime folded in on itself."
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Re: Precious Illusions

Postby Iskrin Lydeck » Mon May 28, 2018 3:17 am

Brahlis heartily laughed at her embarrassment over the windows. He'd lost track of the number of similar works that Isabel had managed to mangle over the years. It was to be expected since she was so much like her mother, "You're giving a lot of fine people employment. You're ever the helpful young lady!"

The former Emperor both teased and encouraged his son's paramour, and there was an actual sense of pride at what he was looking upon. Who'd have ever saw such a thing coming to fruition during the heyday of the Axiom? Sadarii and Lydeck scions coming together as something other than rivals or enemies. "Oh, you pulled the poor girl through space? Tessian..." Brahlis clicked his tongue in disapproval, but he always defaulted to her better judgement.

Iskrin, ever the instigator and ice breaker, used the hand that was upon Xanathe's back to give her a shove forward - right into the waiting arms of his mother, a playful laugh escaping his lips.
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Re: Precious Illusions

Postby Tessian Lydeck » Tue May 29, 2018 5:58 am

The former warlord either didn't notice the shove or chose to willfully interpret it as a leap into her arms. Down came the embrace, inevitable and inexorable, around the young Sadarii. Though the hug had slightly fewer PSI than the one for Iskrin, it had just as much affection. "Pulled through space to a better place," she cooed in singsong reply. Despite Xanathe being taller, Tessian picked her up and sat her atop her shoulders like she was a child. "But it's been a lot of excitement, hasn't it? We should get something for dinner."
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Re: Precious Illusions

Postby Xanathe Sadarii » Tue May 29, 2018 1:09 pm

Everything Emperor Lydeck said inspired in Xanathe a desire to flinch, as though she expected him to snap his anger against her at any moment, or a strike would follow his jovial words. Why she felt this way she could not rightly place. Perhaps it had been a lingering scar from her encounter with her father, maybe it was simply the tales of him her mother had told, frightening her into submission as they had likely been intended to. And the irrationality of how she felt continued, twisting up her stomach with butterflies as he even complimented her usefulness in breaking a window.

It was something in the way he openly and honestly approached, the truthfulness in his words that she didn't know how to deal with. Most others had measured their words, carefully thought out and filtered rebuttals, even her own brother. But in this the Sadarii Daughter could sense an openness she had not experienced aside Iskrin and she felt overwhelming surprise at it, struggled to believe it existed anywhere else but in herself at the man she loved. Alas there was no time to rest on it, and she felt a sudden push at her back as she smiled rigidly at the Lady of the House, awkwardly uncertain if she should accept the offer of a hug or not. The decision was made for her, and she came against the much shorter matriarch of the Lydeck name with a gasp.

" Oh," The stammering words were cut off from pure constriction.

Xanathe's hands hovered awkwardly as she was squeezed half to death, and like that first embrace from Iskrin under the moon of Tattoine, she was broken wide open by it's lack of pretense or ill intent. Realization hit like a bittersweet pleasure-pain in her chest as she struggled to comprehend the sensation buried decades before. As she found herself lifted into the air, spun about and perched on the warlord's shoulders her ability to fuss over it had left, her hands still hovering awkwardly as she was lost in thought for a few long moments. After a few long moments she lifted her bewildered eyes to Iskrin, finding his face, confirming her feelings.

It was warmth, love, the familial sort. It was what she had pined for, for so long. Without being able to halt herself she had been thrust head long into it. If she had been in more of a mood, she could have broken into elated tears with the understanding. The glitter was there in her eyes, and with it came a somewhat embarrassed grin at Iskrin as she realized where she sat. It was not something she would argue with, considering how easily she had been lifted.
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Re: Precious Illusions

Postby NPC Z » Wed May 30, 2018 12:19 am


Cracking rhythmically across the glossy stone floor, a businesslike woman strode forward on high heeled shoes with purpose, having emerged from a corner of the room, likely a secondary, private entrance for His Highness should he have needed an escape route. She took a deep breath in, a vaguely pained, urgent expression on her face as she approached the Emperor, Empress, Prince and one who she did not recognize. The muscles at the corner of her eye twitched with irritation as she remembered the descriptions she had heard before, how they fit this girl. This was a wrinkle indeed. Nevertheless she straightened as she came to Brahlis Lydeck's side holding a large data pad in her arms to recite the agenda following the so recent threat.

" Emperor and Empress, My Prince." She began cordially bowing to each, " I am so relieved to know those intruders were rightly thrashed and you are all unharmed!" Suddenly a bright, wide and grin spread across her features as she turned to the oddly placed newcomer, " And my, we have a guest! Wonderful! You know I had been hearing murmurs on the streets about this flying woman who had come to save the day! And here you are! My name is Gwendoline Vega, Gwen for short. I am the Headmistress of Castle Operations and Personal Assistant to the House Lydeck." A moment too long she watched the woman atop the Empress' shoulders, her smile never fading for a moment until she again took a step in front of Emperor Lydeck.

" Forgive me My Lord, but I brought news from our Secret Services Minister and he has stated it is of the utmost importance to remain out of sight and behind armed guard for the next 12 standard hours to ensure there is no lingering threat. All Civil Guard personnel have been mobilized throughout the city and are on high alert, and the Castle is on lockdown, and he insists it remain so until morning." Gwen, ever the quick, resourceful thinker turned again to the Empress.

" I overheard your desire for dinner My Lady, but lockdown protocols do state in section three dash five and six that if an immediate threat arises to the Lydeck Family all meals will be brought to personal quarters for the eve during lockdown." Her rapid, pointed speech continued as that smile again appeared, " As a suggestion, perhaps we can instead once the threat is passed have a formal gathering for our new heroine! A celebration!" Her eyes met the raven haired girl, then found Iskrin, a tinge if venom in her stare, " I know that's one of your favorite things to do. Isn't it, my prince?" Her grip tightened on her itinerary, constantly blinking with new messages from various entities in Imecka's Civil Defense, and from the Council members who had skipped this particular meeting, and smelled blood in the water.
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Re: Precious Illusions

Postby Isabel Lydeck » Wed May 30, 2018 4:42 am

"That won't be necessary."

Isabel's voice was unmistakable from the other side of the hallway chasm. Though she didn't shout, the acoustics of the hallway left her speech just as loud and clear as if she'd been standing next to them. It was an impressive trick of architecture, one she'd played with often in her younger days. For now she stood, white shade-umbrella daintily overhead, scarlet eyes fixed on the headmistress, unblinking. "The threat's quite passed. Passed away even, and I am so very famished." She made no motion to cross the gap. "The journey has been long." Slowly, her gaze lifted from the secretary and softened as she regarded her father, her mother, her brother, and Xanathe, each in turn.
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Re: Precious Illusions

Postby Iskrin Lydeck » Thu May 31, 2018 1:53 pm

Perhaps it was a little mean to push Xanathe into his mother like a bug into a fly trap. If Iskrin was perfectly honest, he'd only expected her to receive one of his mother's signature bear hugs, it's ability to take the breath from you second only to the feeling of powerlessness under the strength of such a small woman. It was surprising, then, to see Xanathe lifted off the ground like a small child and set upon the Empress's shoulders. The prince had to stifle a laugh, biting his lower lip, and his own amusement would have been clear to Xanathe as her eye's met his.

As amusing as the sight was it caused Iskrin to experience a pang of momentary sadness. This was the kind of thing Isabel would have had happen, and while he was happy to have Xanathe here, he couldn't help but wish his dear sister was with them as well. Before he could dwell too much on these feelings, though, a perky and proper voice announced the arrival of a well known member of the House.

An unintentional grin spread on Iskrin's face as his eyes fell upon Gwen, memories of encounters past filling his mind involuntarily. She certainly was the head mistress, far talented with that mouth of hers beyond her penchant for speech. Iskrin's eyes closed and he shook his head, wiping the goofy grin off his face. Clearing his throat and his visage with renewed formality, Iskrin nodded towards Gwen. "A celebration would be a wonderful id-"

He fell silent as a a familiar voice cut him off, the prince immediately turning to face the source. As expected, there stood his beloved twin, and Iskrin couldn't stop the wide toothy grin forming upon his face. "Izzy!" He shouted, stretching his arms to either side. Clearly he wanted a hug from his big sister.

Behind him, a warmth spread upon the face of the former Emperor like no other. After having sent his children off on their mission, he hadn't expected both of them to be home at this point. This gave him some concerning questions about their mission itself, but he'd have been a liar to say he wasn't overjoyed to have them both here. "My dear girl!" The proud father shouted to her, waving her over. As if having won a bet, Brahlis playfully smacked his wife on her backside. "See, I told you they'd both be fine!"
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Re: Precious Illusions

Postby Xanathe Sadarii » Fri Jun 01, 2018 12:56 pm

Atop the Empress' shoulders Xanathe continued to sit, unwilling to offend the matriarch by prying herself off. Ever the prideful creature however, The First Born struggled to shut off the twirling embarrassment in her stomach and crossed her arms awkwardly about her waist as she balanced, waiting almost pouting at Iskrin's amused expression, until his grin inspired her own, small, bashful and unwilling. Her eyes fell belatedly on the woman approaching, her clacking steps short, demanding in the racket they made. The one who she shortly knew as Gwen was possessed something in her lengthy speech the Sadarii Daughter couldn't rightly place, and she tilted her head a moment when the Headmistress looked at her too long.

Then, she found Iskrin again with her pale violet stare, her brow knitting almost imperceptibly as she looked at him. She recognized that face, had seen it when she took her tattered sweater off in his presence before. Now the pieces began to fall together, and without being able to help it her stomach dropped like a stone. It wasn't a secret, all of Iskrin's prior encounters, but the fact they still seemed so close and thus recent in his mind was unnerving. However it was a discomfort Xanathe couldn't dwell on overlong when she realized a familiar voice across the cavernous space. Her eyes looked out, to find Isabel there and apparently feeling something similar to what Xanathe felt.

It was reassuring to see her there. And she waved, towering above with her long toned arm in the air.

" Isabel!" She hollered in honest relief, waving widely. The perch of shoulders she sat upon was narrow, her six foot frame putting her center of mass high and prone to tipping. Xanathe hadn't really been on a person's shoulders since before she could remember and forgot her balance, and suddenly felt the air pushing at her back as she lurched backwards. With an unrestrained squeak of panic she flailed her arms, attempting to save herself, but nevertheless went tumbling to the floor like a torn open sack of Dathomiri Vidalias.
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Re: Precious Illusions

Postby NPC Z » Fri Jun 01, 2018 1:24 pm

Gwen's posture relaxed as she watched Iskrin watching her, her rigid spine going slack for just a moment with remembered desires unrequited. Sure, the fight they'd had was a deal breaker, a marring scar on her pride and flawless record and had detoured her path to power. But it was only a detour, and she relished the momentary glimpse of what could have still been awaiting her. Her bright, pure grin fell into the gutter for just a split second before her stomach jolted with the sound if that voice.

There went that twitch in her eye again as she spun around to greet the Princess of Imecka, cobbling together her professional facade, and doing a poor job of it.

" Princess!" She projected across the gap," So glad to have you back!" Those words were completely hollow, forced through a sieve of frights and consternation. " We were just discussing the gathering to celebrate our new friend! Perhaps we could get your input on how to best approach the event!" What was she even saying? Isabel never contributed to party planning before. Now that bright grin went awkward, until she heard a tumbling thud behind her. Ever the service woman Gwendoline leapt into action at the sound rushing around the Emperor and away from Isabel where she knelt next to a prone Xanathe, who was gripping the back of her head.

" Oh my poor dear!" She said in a rush," Shall I fetch an ice pack, a nurse... an ambulatory service? Here, let me help you up..." She reached for the girl's arm, unphased by unfamiliarity. Hospitality was everything in her line of work.
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Re: Precious Illusions

Postby Vorn » Sat Jun 02, 2018 3:18 pm

Vorn came in closely behind Isabel. Imecka... He had been here before, but never inside any of the cities, much less the Lydeck's palace. While he knew he was in a safe harbour, he felt out of place amidst these princes and princess and all this grandeur. Heck, he didn't even see Isabel as a princess. Not completely, anyway.

And of course, there was the fact that her parents were here. And her brother. He worried it would make things ackward, and that maybe he shouldn't have had that shot before he came here. But then, he always worried for various reasons. He figured he should at least try to relax. He tried to stand at ease, but only managed to shuffle his feet around without really breaking his straight, professional pose.

"Nice to see all of you," he said softly. It was hard to find his voice, for some reason. Too much pressure to perform, he guessed.
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Re: Precious Illusions

Postby Imerus DeWaltz » Tue Jun 05, 2018 4:06 am

Imerus came in closely behind Vorn, though not as closely as the other man trailed Isabel. He had far too many memories of sneaking through palaces, both this one and others, to feel comfortable seen shadowing a princess with too much familiarity. His manner was more rigid than usual as he lurched along with the others as his dark hooded robe was drawn high. Each step attempted to keep him within shadows, wherever they might be found along the room's periphery.

"You know, we could have just landed on the moon and sent a protocol droid to say this. Lovely moon, Imecka's. Never once felt worried for my life on that moon. People write songs about that moon." Glancing at those gathered, he continued to whisper loudly in Isabel's direction. "Clair de Lune, great piece of music. Ex-amant abattu dans le donjon du palais? Doesn't sound even close to as appealing." Yet he settled in nearby without retreating as the family and servants fussed about.
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Re: Precious Illusions

Postby Tessian Lydeck » Wed Jun 06, 2018 11:41 pm

Belhom's mouth had been open, prepared to inject a reply into any break in the headmistress's speech. A break that never came before Isabel spoke.

The warlord turned her back to look across the gap. "Izzy!" she cheered, waving across the chasm. A blink later she noticed the shady fellow from the ship and... Imerus?

She once again began to speak when she felt a smack on her butt. The combination of Xanathe's moment of clumsiness and her own surprise sending them tumbling to the ground. The warlord couldn't remember losing her balance for some time, not even while sleeping. She picked herself up into a sitting position, having landed on her hand. "Sure, sure, you get to be right sometimes. Vosht!" She stood up and dusted herself off with a low chuckle. "Coming back home before peace becomes a lie. That's the definition of fine." She checked that Xanathe hadn't been hurt and offered a hand. "I got it, Bug Eyes," she said to Gwen with a soft smirk, sharply alluding to an embarrassing past incident with the royal family. Insults were how they showed respect on Garban, especially to social lessers, but it never occurred to Tessian to explain that fact to her subordinate. She simply hadn't called Gwen by her name past her second anniversary of employment. "You can fetch us some snacks. I lost my candy."
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Re: Precious Illusions

Postby Isabel Lydeck » Thu Jun 07, 2018 12:21 am

Isabel smiled. A lot of it was the warm welcome from the other side of the chasm, but there was something else. Where Iskrin had received seduction skills as his zeltron inheritance, the older twin had empathy. The emotions of others echoed deep within her being, and the nervousness of Xanathe and her two companions made her tail curl up in glee. She liked being scary. It was an old vice, from her childhood wearing a horned skull around the palace, to her teen years secretly visiting frights upon any who dared mack on her brother, to now. She liked that her parents were scary. She liked being back on Imecka, and just seeing Gwen over there made her pseudo-glowering dissolve all the faster as the memories came to the fore.

She lowered her umbrella and turned, hugging Vorn and Imerus, one after the other. "Thanks. I wouldn't have made it back without you," she said low, missing her mother getting slapped on the butt and the brief chaos that ensued. "Imm, well, you should at least say hi. No pressure though." She walked past her crewmate to the edge of the chasm, assuming he'd follow her anywhere, whether it was to greet her parents or to Chaos itself. She looked up along the ceiling and flung her chain up to a beam, using it to swing herself across.

She landed gently, like a cherry blossom falling to soft grass and her chain fell neatly around her shoulders. In that moment, she realized her father hadn't seen her with those chains since he'd had them put away long ago. Not wanting to disappoint him in any way, she willed the metal down the back of her cloak and hid it around her waist, moreso out of shy reflex than any belief he hadn't seen them. "I knew we'd be safe," she declared. "Nobody messes with my family." Much like her mother, she was prepared to disparge all the darkness behind them and the people responsible for it, but she remembered Xanathe. Her care for her brother. Her care for Drackonis. And so, there was an omission as the Lydeck heiress distributed hugs. "I'm so glad."
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Re: Precious Illusions

Postby Xanathe Sadarii » Sat Jun 09, 2018 3:55 am

The world had spun for a moment, and the First Born Sadarii gripped the back of her head, hissing as she reeled from the ringing crack to the back of her skull. Of all the moments to be clumsy, ungraceful and foolish, she had to do it in front of her beloved's parents. The overbearing tone of Gwen filtered into throbbing eardrums as she began to sit up, and the incessant questioning was quick to get under the Sadarii Daughter's skin along side the pain. In a placating gesture she held out a palm, coming short of pushing the woman away.

" No no... I'm alright," The words didn't register with Gwen as she continued, " It's fine." A hand reaching to grasp Xanathe's arm was enough to wound Xanathe's pride, and she yanked herself free from the woman's unwanted grasp.

" I don't need your help!" Xanathe hissed, her violet eyes glaring through unkempt hair. Apology flooded her eyes shortly after as she remembered the Empress' presence and she rose carefully again to her feet. As her eyes refocused on who she stood among she noticed Isabel much closer than before, along with the one named Imerus from before, and Vorn. Remembered empathy melted inter her eyes for a moment as she continued to rub the back of her head. She gave them a small smile in greeting, sheepish and self deprecating before again finding the presence she cared for most of all; Iskrin Lydeck .
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