Cracking rhythmically across the glossy stone floor, a businesslike woman strode forward on high heeled shoes with purpose, having emerged from a corner of the room, likely a secondary, private entrance for His Highness should he have needed an escape route. She took a deep breath in, a vaguely pained, urgent expression on her face as she approached the Emperor, Empress, Prince and one who she did not recognize. The muscles at the corner of her eye twitched with irritation as she remembered the descriptions she had heard before, how they fit this girl. This was a wrinkle indeed. Nevertheless she straightened as she came to Brahlis Lydeck's side holding a large data pad in her arms to recite the agenda following the so recent threat.
" Emperor and Empress, My Prince." She began cordially bowing to each,
" I am so relieved to know those intruders were rightly thrashed and you are all unharmed!" Suddenly a bright, wide and grin spread across her features as she turned to the oddly placed newcomer,
" And my, we have a guest! Wonderful! You know I had been hearing murmurs on the streets about this flying woman who had come to save the day! And here you are! My name is Gwendoline Vega, Gwen for short. I am the Headmistress of Castle Operations and Personal Assistant to the House Lydeck." A moment too long she watched the woman atop the Empress' shoulders, her smile never fading for a moment until she again took a step in front of Emperor Lydeck.
" Forgive me My Lord, but I brought news from our Secret Services Minister and he has stated it is of the utmost importance to remain out of sight and behind armed guard for the next 12 standard hours to ensure there is no lingering threat. All Civil Guard personnel have been mobilized throughout the city and are on high alert, and the Castle is on lockdown, and he insists it remain so until morning." Gwen, ever the quick, resourceful thinker turned again to the Empress.
" I overheard your desire for dinner My Lady, but lockdown protocols do state in section three dash five and six that if an immediate threat arises to the Lydeck Family all meals will be brought to personal quarters for the eve during lockdown." Her rapid, pointed speech continued as that smile again appeared,
" As a suggestion, perhaps we can instead once the threat is passed have a formal gathering for our new heroine! A celebration!" Her eyes met the raven haired girl, then found Iskrin, a tinge if venom in her stare,
" I know that's one of your favorite things to do. Isn't it, my prince?" Her grip tightened on her itinerary, constantly blinking with new messages from various entities in Imecka's Civil Defense, and from the Council members who had skipped this particular meeting, and smelled blood in the water.